How you guys meet (Mondstadt) + travelers

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As a child you always dreamed of traveling other mations and exploring other places, and Mondstadt was the First Nation you wanted to explore.
As you roamed around the city, you were astonished with the beauty of the place when all of a sudden you felt someone run into you causing you to fall back. "Well there goes my luggage.." you sighed as you reached for your bag, only to be greeted with bright yellow eyes. "I'm so sorry! Are you alright? The blond haired man said pulling you back up. As you brushed of the dust off your outfit you nod as a reply. "I'm alright thanks for helping , wait is that a floating baby?!" You shouted as a angry floating figure approached you. "PAIMON IS PAIMON NOT A FLOATING BABY!" The blond boy then hold Paimon back and shook his head.
"I apologize for her behavior, I'm Aether and you are?" Aether questioned, waiting for your reply. "Oh I'm Y/n, It's a pleasure to meet you! Say why don't you and I go out for a drink? I heard there's a Tavern nearby." Aether smiled and both of you guys agreed to meet up at 7:00


You was Lisa's assistant and you helped her around the library a lot. Placing books into their sections.
Non-fiction goes with Non-fiction, Fantasy goes with Fantasy, etc. As days go by rumors begin to spread about a blond Traveler and flying child. "A flying child? That's odd.." you quietly said as you quickly returned to library . Just as you begin organizing books a certain brunette barged in. "Y/N THERES SOMEONE I NEED TO INTRODUCE TO YOU!" Amber said with excitement in her eyes. You sighed as Amber grabbed your hand and ran towards Jeans office. As you walked on you was greeted with Jean, Lisa, Kaeya, and two new faces. "Ah miss Lisa!" You said slightly startled.
"Now now cutie no need to be shocked, i just wanted you to meet one of our newest members. Why don't you go introduce your self dear?" You walked forward facing both a blond haired Woman and a flying child. "Ahem, hello I am Y/n L/n the Library Administrator also known as Miss Lisa's assistant, a pleasure to meet you." She nods and then begins to speak. "My name is Lumine,  and this is my travel guid Paimon." She said as Paimon nodded happily. "Her voice is quit soothing." You thought as Lumine gave you a small smile. "Ahem, how about I show you around the city? I'm sure there's quite a phew places Amber hasn't showed you yet. Lumine nodded as you smiled and took her hand.


You were injured badly as you did your best to out run the hilichurls, your arm was scratched from barely dodging and arrow and your knee was scratched from tripping. You sighed as you begin walking only for you to feel a drop of water on your nose. "Ugh great now it's raining? Can't this day get any worse!" You said as you looked around for any sign of shelter. Just then a Humongous slime started heading your way. "WHAT THE WHAT!?" You screamed as you quickly grabbed your sword only to hear asoft chuckle behind you.
"Cryo is always more effective in the rain. This is going to be interesting..."  A tall blue haired man said as he skill fully took down the slimes. "So what are you doing out in the rain?" He said as you tried to wipe off the dirt now mud of your body. "I can ask the same for you. What are you even doing on here?" You asked. "I was just going out for a stroll when I see a beautiful person I need of help. He smirked as you just huff. "Say, how about I take you out for a treat? There's a really Tavern that I recommend." You gave it some thought and agreed. "Great then it's settled, meet me at 8:00 sharp." "Is this a Date?" You asked only to be replied with a smirk. "Only of you want it to."


You and your younger sister (who you promise to protect with your life) Akira both fled Inazuma and  decided to settle in Mondstadt for a while and you was even more lucky to not even make it out alive but to still have your vision with you. Your vison was everything to you which Electro vison. With Akira on your back, you tiredly make it to Mondstadt and walk inside a Tavern. "Two water please.." you groaned as you sat down with Akira now on your lap sleeping soundlessly.
The red hair man nodded as he took two glasses and filled it up with water and placed it in front of you. "Anything else?" He asked as you shook your head but then stopped. "Say.. is there any available houses ready for rent? I desperately need someplace to crash for the night." The man pondered and then stoped. "Well I suppose you can stay at my place for awhile, at least until your in better shape and you find a place to stay in." You looked at the man happily. "Really? Are you sure about this?" The man nodded as he replied. "I'm sure Adelinde wouldn't mind."


You was walking around looking for some apples form a commission when all of a sudden you heard a scream. "AAAA HELP SOMEONE PLEASE I'M GETTING CHASED!" You followed the sound as you silently took your bow out. It was a pale ash grey haired waving his arm in the air while running being chased by a RUIN GUARD??? Without hesitation you aimed for the ruin guards week spot and sent an arrow flying. "HOLY COW I DIDNT MISS!" you shouted in excitement as you gave your self a victory jump.
As the ruin guard shut down you completely obliterated it with your other weapons a claymore. You reached your hand out for the guy as he happily took. "Thanks for saving my life!" He said as he happily cupped his hands with yours. "No problem! What's your name?" He smiled brightly as he answered. "My name is Bennett! What's yours?" "My name is Y/n! But many people call me N/n instead." You smiled as you noticed a small scratch on his knee. "Oh your knee!" Bennett gave out a small laugh and said. "It's just my bad luck it getting in the way of many things, say why don't you join Bennett's Adventure team?" You happily nodded and from that day you and Bennett was stuck together like to pea's in a pod.


You was Klee older cousin and which you and Klee where very close. You tried to keep her out of trouble (key word tried) but she's just to much to handle one time. One day when you was watching Klee she randomly ran into the woods as you tried your best to keep up with her. "I honestly can not keep up with this girl, how does Albedo do this?" You said as you pant heavily. "Klee? Klee are you there?" You called out but nothing replied. As you went deeper into the woods you followed the trail of laughter. "Hmm." You pondered. "Sounds like Klee." As you followed the sound you saw Klee hanging out with a Grey haired guy who did sorts looked dirty. "Oh Klee there you are!" You said happily as Klee  jumped into your arms. "Klee you scared me half to death! Don't ever run away like that ok?" You gently scolded as Klee looked down.
"Sorry n/n I got really excited when I saw Razor.. Oh wait you guys haven't met yet!" Klee quickly grabbed both yours and Razor's hand and began speaking. "N/n, this is Razor one of my friends! Razor, this N/n their my cousin!" "My name is actually Y/n." You said. "But you may call me N/n if you would like!" You said as you gave Razor a bright cheery smile. "Mm since Klee is Lupical and you are Klee's Lupical you are now my Lupical." He said as you looked as Klee. "Uh, Klee what is this Lupical thing he's talking about?" "Oh Lupical basically means family for Razor!" Klee happily replied. "Aw that's sweet."

You was looking for a missing item in dragonspine for a commission when uh oh guess what, you got lost. You was lucky you were wearing a jacket but not thick enough for you to keep warm but you sucked it up and kept on going. "Man we're am I? And how on Teyvat am I suppose to find a Diamond ring here??" You sighed as you used your Pryo vison to light up a near bye campfire. "I'm cold, hungry, and my socks are wet, I HATE THIS ALREADY!" As you flopped onto the snow you noticed a cave. "We'll look do we have here, well I'm gonna be here for awhile so I guess I'll just crash in there until I wait for someone to find me." Everything in there was strange for you.
There were potions and books everywhere so your best guess is that this person is an Alchemist.
"Hmm I wonder what this is?" You said as you picked up a test tube with blue liquid inside. As you carefully placed it back down you heard footsteps behind you. "HOLY MOTHER OF BARBATOS" you screamed as you fell back causing books to land on you. "Who are you." A blond man said as he pointed a blade at across your face. "Woah first of all put your danger stick down!" You shouted as you slowly lowered the blade with your finger. "Second of all I'm not a treasure hoarder or anything not like there's anything valuable her to begin with" you muttered the last part. "I'm just a humble fellow who got lost and kind fine there way, plus have seen what it looks like out there?" "You are extremely talkative.." the ashy blond haired man said as you brushed the dust off of you. "Well thanks for the compliment I suppose." You said as you rolled your eyes. "Anyways, what's your name? Mines Y/n!"
The two of you fell into an awkward silence until he spoke. "Albedo."

1736+ words and I'm tired already ε-('∀`; )

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