Why do they hate me

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(4weeks later)

Michaels pov

"Mikey,five more minutes" she moans

"I have an interview today with the guys, and your coming so get up" I say kissing her head

"You know I can stay here by myself" she says rolling out of bed

"No last time I did that I nearly lost you" I snap

"That was 4 weeks ago mikey,I'm fine, Matt is gone" she mumbles

"I know but I don't like leaving you alone" I say hugging her

"I'll come, but you have to leave me alone sometime you know, I can't keep coming to work with you" she says kissing my cheek

"Good, the guys love you coming to work with us so we'll see" I say grabbing my top

"I'll be out in five" she says as I walk out

I walk out to the kitchen to see ash stuffing his face with cereal

"Are you ready" he mumbles

"Katie will be in five" I reply

"Katie hurry up" ashton yells joking

"Kiss my ass ashton" she yells back

"My lips aren't that big" he yells back

"Yeah yeah irwin, with a mouth that big" she says walking out

"It's not that big" ashton fake pouts

"Suck it up princess" she says hugging him

"Everybody ready" I yell and luke and cal run out of their rooms

"Ready" luke screams

We all pile in the car and head...

(Skip to inter view)

We answer a lot of questions

Interviewer: okay so who's single??
Ashton: well I am
Luke: me too
Calum: single as a Pringles
They all stare at me
"I'm actually taken" I speak up

Interviewer: tell us about the lucky girl michael?

"Well she's amazing,shes beautiful smart, she actually my best friend, I've know her for 5 years now, we have been together for just over 6 weeks and I couldn't be happier, I love her" I reply

Calum: she's actually here today

Interviewer: should we bring her out??

Ash and cal go grab Katie and drag her out, she sits on my knee,

"Sorry babe" I whisper in her ear

Interviewer: you are beautiful, what's you name?

Calum: her names Katie

Interviewer: beautiful name, how long have you two been crushing on each other?

Katie: I've liked michael ever since I've met him

" Same her, I didn't have the courage to ask her out, I didn't want to ruin our friend ship if she didn't feel the same, so I kept it hidden" I say quickly

Interview: well it seems it is working out, ok that's all we have time for, thanks for joining me guys and girl, until next time.

Ashton: thanks for having us

We walk off...

Katie's pov

"Ash, cal in going to kill you two" I say jumping in the car
"What for" cal says
"For dragging me out on camera" I reply
"But your been on camera before" ash says
"Yeah, but i wasn't dressed for the camera today" I mumble
"You look fine" ash replies
"You always look fine babe" michael says
"I'm hungry" luke moans
"I agree with luke" I moan
"What do our two princesses want to eat" ash says pulling Luke's cheeks
"I want a burger" me and luke say at the same time, we just laugh
"Burgers it is" mikey says driving

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