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(2weeks later).....

Katie's pov

Tonight is the guys last show, we are going out to celebrate, the guys have hot the showers so I go and get dressed ready, I throw on a tight low cut black dress, comes just above my knees, I throw some makeup on and straighten my hair a little, put on my wedged boots and wait, they come barging through the door, their jaws drop
"Do I look ok" I ask
Mikey doesn't say a word, he just stares at me
"You look hot" cal blurts out
"Thanks cal" I giggle
Mikey is staring at me still
"Well you look amazing" luke speaks up
Mikey tries to mumble something
"I Hu uh"
"Spit it out mikey" ash says tapping his back
"You look beautiful, I mean hot,drop dead gorgeous" mikey blurts out
"Thanks babe" I say hugging him
"C'mon guys let's go" ash says pulling us out of the bus

We head to alittle bar, I can't remember the name, we get a table straight away,

"Drinks" ash asks
"Beer" luke and cal shout at the same time
"Yeah beer" I agree
"Beer and shots" mikey says

Ash goes and gets the drinks while we talk,
"I can't wait to get this dress off you" mikey whispers in my ear and I giggle
"Maybe if I'm drunk,we could visit the bathroom here" I whisper back and his eyes widen
"More shots" he yells
I just laugh

About 4 beers and 8 shots later I'm feeling it, his plan to get me drunk has worked, mikey and cal have gone to the bathroom, I need to go so I start walking to to the bathroom I turn round the corner and see mikey kissing some girl,
"What the fuck" I yell
he stumble towards me, he can't even stand properly
"It's not what it looks like" he slures
"Fuck you michael" I say running out with tears pouring down my face
"Katie" I hear luke yell
"Just leave me alone" I yell
"Katie wait" luke yells and I stop
"What luke" I say crying my eyes out
"Hey come here, he's just drunk, give him time to explain,you know he would never do this on purpose" he says hugging me
"I need some time alone luke" I say pulling away
"Go back to the bus, I can come with you" he says
"No, I'm going for a walk, alone" I snap walking off

I walk and walk till I find a nice park to sit at, I just sit there thinking.....

Michaels pov

No no no what have I done, I didn't mean to, she kissed me, I have to find her, she's not on the bus,
"Luke where is she" I yell
" She said she was going for a walk" he yells
"You let her" I yell
"Calm down mikey, I'm sure she's ok" ash says
"Calm down, I just fucking messed the best thing that's ever happened to me up, and she is not here what if something's happened" I yell
"I'll go find her" luke says
"No, your the one who let her go walk about" I yell
"I'll go" cal says
"Michael you need to calm down, she'll be back, go sleep, we'll wake you as soon as we hear something" ash says grabbing my shoulder
"But ash I need her" I say breaking down
"I know bud, give her time she'll be back" he says
I stumble to my bunk.....

Katie's pov

It's getting light, I've been out all night I better start walking back, I check my phone and calum has been calling non stop, I ring him back

Cal: Katie where the fuck are you
Me: cal I'm ok I'm walking back now
Cal: tell me where you are
I tell him where I am
Cal: stay there I'm coming to get you
Me: you don't have to do that calum
Cal: I want to stay there
He say hanging up, about five minutes later he pulls up in a car and jumps out,
"Katie, I've been looking for you all night" he says pulling me into a hug
"Sorry I just needed time" I say letting go
"Come let's get you back " he says opening the door
"How is he cal" I ask
"When I left he was going off at luke, so, he's pretty upset with himself" he replies
" I know he didn't mean to do it, I just needed to think" I mumble
"I know it's hard but he is really sorry, you ready, hopefully he has slept it off " cal says as we pull up to the bus
"I'm ready" I reply
I get out the car and walk towards the bus, cal opens the door, I'm greeted by luke and ash,
"Hey" I mumble
"Hey girly, you ok" ash says hugging me
"Hey" luke say hugging me
"Where is he" i ask
"His bunk" luke mumbles
"Well give you guys a minute" ash says
And they all walk out,
Here goes nothing, I walk to mikey bunk, he's asleep looks like he's been crying,
"Mikey" I say shaking him
"Katie" he says fluttering his eyes open
"I'm sorry I ran away, I just needed to think" I say
"No you have nothing to be sorry for it's my fault, I pushed her off Katie I didn't mean to it just happened in so sorry, I understand if you hate me" he says starting to sob
"Mikey I don't hate you, I love you and I forgive you, just don't hurt me mikey" I say wiping his tears away
"I'd never hurt you on purpose, I love you" he sobs
"Shhh baby it's ok , we're ok" I say giving him a soft kiss
"I don't deserve you" he says
"Don't say that of course you do, now we need to get ready we get to go home today" I say pulling away from him
"Ok" he mumbles
"Oh and mikey apologise to luke, he did nothing wrong" I say
"I will" he says grabbing his things
"Good, well I'm ready" I say smiling
"Me too" he says walking towards me
"Let's go then" I say kissing his cheek

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