chapter nine

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"what do you mean? they're gone?" hoseok shot up from his spot, practically running to yoongi's side. he collapsed into his friends arms, clutching at him like his life depended on it.

"i-i went and looked through viv's paperwork, l-like joonie recommended, and... and..." yoongi forcibly shuddered with the hiccups, clinging to hoseok tighter. "the door was unlocked, so i looked inside, a-and the window was open a-a-and they- they're gone."

hoseok rubbed calming circles into his back as he cried, humming songs and murmuring soft words as yoongi fought to calm down. soon enough the violent hiccups subsided to softer sniffles. hoseok shot worried looks towards the others, clearly asking for help.

"wh-what do i do?" yoongi clutched hoseok's shirt in tight fists, eyes wide and pleading, streaks of tears drying against his cheeks. hoseok could feel his heart shatter, hugging yoongi tighter as he buried his face in his hair.

"we'll go look for them. it's still early, and they couldn't have gotten very far." hoseok murmured, squeezing his friend gently. "don't worry too much, we'll find them."

"gguk, jimin, tae. go get ready. we're going to need your help." seokjin instructed, the three hybrids scattering like birds. it wasn't long before everyone was ready, and then they were on the move.

"the neighbourhood isn't too big, and they're on foot, so we should split up." namjoon mused as they left the house. "jimin and i can go with seokjinnie and jeongguk, we'll start with the neighbours and see if they've seen anything." a couple nods. "yoongi, you go with hoseok and taehyung and start in the backyard and fan out from there."

hoseok took yoongi's hand in his, smiling down at him softly as he hiccuped. he felt weak, the crying leaving him feeling desperate and empty, but he was determined to find his hybrid. to find his friend. "let's go, before the storm comes."

the storm. oh, right. the weather channel had mentioned a storm would be rolling in around lunch. yoongi looked up at the sky, the looming sight of dark grey clouds on the horizon causing his heart to beat just a little bit faster.

"don't focus on that." hoseok tugged on his hand, following taehyung into the back. "vivian needs you right now."

yoongi sniffled, rubbing his nose with the back of his sleeve as he nodded. "o-okay."

taehyung's tail flicked back and forth as he sniffed the air, trying to make out vivian's scent. it wasn't that hard, their scent was something almost similar to yoongi's if he focused hard enough. in fact, it probably was yoongi's, which made things all the easier.

"this way." taehyung's deep voice startled yoongi, his minor anxiety disorder seemingly amplified. the duo followed the tiger hybrid, sticking close as they headed into the woods that lined one side of the neighbourhood. yoongi fidgeted with hoseok's fingers, the worry evident as they passed the treeline. nobody ever went in here, for there were rumours that no one ever came out.

it was quiet, an uncomfortable silence blanketing them as they walked deeper into the forest. taehyung's tail whipped back and forth violently, ears swiveling to take in the sounds. no one knew what was out here, no one dared to find out. hoseok and yoongi stuck close to him, keeping their eyes peeled just in case they saw something.

eventually taehyung came to a stop, causing the duo to bump into him. he didn't budge, sniffing the air repeatedly.

"tae? everything good?" hoseok asked, peering around to see his face. it was scrunched in focus, flashes of worry dancing in his eyes.

"i lost the scent."

yoongi could feel the tears well up again, another hiccup punching through him. the sound of thunder rolled above them just as the first few raindrops started to fall. yoongi looked up, free hand clutched to his chest in worry.

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