chapter ten

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the walk home wasn't quite as long as yoongi had remembered, but none of that mattered to him in the moment. vivian was back in his arms, back in their house, curled up against him as they huddled together under every blanket they could find. the tv crackled softly, one of his favorite movies playing on the screen. yoongi held a warm cup of hot cocoa in his hands, vivian's empty mug sitting next to him on the end table.

"how are you guys doing?"

the voice startled yoongi, causing him to jump a bit, which earned an annoying grumble from the snoozing vivian. he patted their arm softly, turning slightly to look at the owner of the voice.

hoseok stood behind the couch, eyes grazing over the screen with interest before coming to land on his friend. yoongi gave him a nod, returning to his original position.

"we're doing fine, thank you." he took another sip of his cocoa, savoring the warmth it gave him.

the search for vivian had lasted around 3 hours before they found them braving the thunderstorm that still raged outside. after they were found, the four of them ran fast as they could, arriving home to four very worried looking friends.

baths were drawn and showers were ran, warm food and drinks prepared as quickly as possible for the four who were caught in the storm. taehyung was currently resting with hoseok, all exhausted from the freezing cold rain.

"good, we've been worried about you." hoseok gave him a small smile as he shifted his attention over to vivian. the fox was sleeping soundly, curled up against yoongi's side. they refused to leave him from the moment they reconnected, even going as far as sitting on the other side of the screen during bath time. it was a cute sentiment, they all thought.

"i can't thank you guys enough for helping us." the words were quiet, but they held so much meaning. yoongi received a pat on his free shoulder and a soft chuckle.

"you know we're here for you! no matter what."

the end credits of the movie rolled across the screen before the screen went dark, leaving the room dim from the fire crackling in the fireplace. hoseok gave his shoulder a squeeze before saying his goodnights, leaving the two alone once again.

yoongi glanced down at vivian, heart filling with a warmth that rivaled the fire across from him. the peace that reflected across their face filled him with a sense of relief, putting his wandering mind at ease. he didn't want to wake them, but he was starting to ache from sitting in the same position for a few hours.

"viv? hey, time to wake up." yoongi coaxed them softly, not wanting to startle them awake. vivian made a sound similar to a growl, pressing themself further into yoongi's side. this made him chuckle before he squeezed his arm around them gently. "it's time to go to bed. actual bed."

vivian finally uncurled, stretching their limbs out with a small squeal. blinking sleepily, they looked up at yoongi, smiling happily. "bed?"

their voice always caught him off guard, yet it brought a sense of warmth to him. he smiled back, giving them a soft pat on their head that earned him a purring sound. "yes, bed. we can't sleep out here."

vivian nodded understandingly, slinking out from underneath the pile of blankets. yoongi got up as well, finishing his hot cocoa as he took vivian's mug to the kitchen. he rinsed them both out before sticking them in their dishwasher, returning to find vivian hard at work. they had folded almost every blanket, sitting them neatly on the end of the couch.

"good job, viv." yoongi praised them, the fox beaming back proudly at him. he held out a hand for them, smiling when they took it before they went back to their room.

it was dark throughout the house, quiet and calm while everyone else was asleep. they padded down the hallway softly, entering their room and closing the door with a click. vivian went straight for the bed, flopping over and sighing.

yoongi instead made his way over to the dresser, pulling out nighttime clothes for the both of them. handing vivian theirs, he gave them another pat before heading into the bathroom to finish getting ready.

a few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. yoongi glanced over in surprise before opening it. vivian was standing in the doorway, fiddling with the hem of the shirt yoongi had given them.

"is everything okay?" yoongi asked, concern washing over him. vivian nodded, glancing back at the bed before looking to him.

"sleep." they said, rubbing at their eyes. their ears and tail hung droopily, showing just how sleepy they still were. it made sense, considering how long they were out in the rain for.

"i'm almost done. go get in bed."

vivian listened, shuffling over to the bed and pulling back the covers before snuggling underneath. yoongi smiled softly, finishing his routine before following. he slid under the covers with them, pulling out his tablet from one of the cubbies in the wall.

"what do you wanna watch?" he asked, shifting it so viv could access the screen. they hummed quietly, scooting over to get a closer look. they scrolled through netflix together, finally settling on a drama of sorts.

the show played into the night, vivian eventually returning to the position they had taken up on the couch, pressed into yoongi's side with his arm wrapped around them. the two of them eventually fell asleep together, smiles for both of them as they snuggled through the night.

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