Chapter 1: Beginning

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Bold is Japanese

Regular is English

Your POV:

In this world 80% of people each have a superpower, or, the more popular name, "quirk". The other 20% are poor saps who had the unlucky chance of being born without one. I am one of those poor saps. However, that never really stopped me from achieving my dream. Even with the amount of stigma against quirkless people, it never bothered me. Every push, or derogatory sentence aimed at me I just try to brush off, I know my goal, and I will stop at nothing to get it.

The early history of our civilization was always interesting to me. When we learn about how people lived in a quirkless society it always made me feel less alone in the world. Like people, at some point, were like me. Like they knew my struggles and persevered through them. Wars back then were won without powers. Villains weren't big scary monster people, instead they were much scarier in my opinion, with them taking control of multiple countries without quirks. Now a days bad guys struggle to rob a convenience store without a hero being on them in 5 minutes.

Along with history, I also have a fascination with old year 2000 superhero movies. Mostly because some of the most popular heroes were ones without superpowers. Heroes like "Iron man" and "Black Widow" were especially my favorite, and they supported my dream of becoming a hero, even though I was quirkless.

I started building electronics when I was around 12. My dad, also quirkless, supported my dream of becoming a hero. Although he thought that I only wanted to handle small scale villains, and not go into the big leagues. I kept that from him until I finished my first project. Taking inspiration from the old movies, I created gloves that allowed me to levitate off the ground a year later. While not yet fully fledged blasters yet, it got me a start on how I would be able to become a hero, I would create my own powers out of machines.

About a week after that, I heard that there was a hero school in Japan that offered the best training for young heroes. Sure, we had schools like that in America, but they were for after high school. If I was able to get into U.A, I would be able to get a jumpstart on my dream. However, when I looked at their rules and applications, I found that they only took students that had a quirk. I remember being bummed for a week straight after that. The realization that even with my technology, the quirkless gene would still prohibit me from entering certain schools. For a while after that, I figured that in order to become a hero, I would need to become a vigilante, like in the movies.

That was until a year later.

That day in particular I walked into school, and immediately noticed that everyone in school was talking a lot more than normal. The word "U.A" bounced off the hallway walls. I figured because everyone was 14 - 15, the age where kids typically go to U.A, they were talking about trying to get in.

When I got to class, people were still loudly talking about U.A.

"Did you hear?" I managed to grab through the barrage of voices.

"Yeah, I know! U.A is now accepting quirkless kids into the school."

"Can you imagine? They probably are just doing it for publicity, can you imagine any of those losers actually getting in?"

"Quirkless kids are allowed in now?" I interrupted.

One of my classmates looked at me, "Yeah, but it's not like any of you will get in. All of you quirkless kids have no use in the hero world, let alone regular society."

"Wow, ok asshole, just asking a question." I snapped.

"What did you say to me?"

"She said," A voice came from behind me, " that you're an asshole. You got a problem with that?"

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