Chapter 2: Juicy's house

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Eddie's POV: Me and juicy are walking to his house to pick up some clothes and any other stuff he needed as were walking to his house I was still upset about that fight I had with Jack at school like I mean why did he care so much that I was hanging out with juicy? I glanced over at juicy and I saw that he looked nervous so I then said "Uh juicy are you okay?" He then said "Y-yea I'm f-fine" I could tell he was lying so I continued "Juicy you don't have to lie!" I said raising my voice a little to much. Juicy looked frighten and I knew it was because I raised my voice at him, I Immediately said "I'm sorry" regretting what I did he then said "it's fine" from the look of his face it didn't seem fine but I didn't want to make the situation worse so I just stayed quiet and kept walking.

Juicy's POV: Eddie was right I wasn't fine but of course I didn't want to tell him so I lied. The only reason why I was really nervous is because I was going to go get my stuff with Eddie and I knew my dad would be there and my dad knows that I'm gay and he sees me with Eddie he's going to be way more disappointed in me. My dad doesn't support me not surprising after my mother died he took all his anger out on me and it sucked for a while but I got used to it after a while. We finally arrived at the house and I grabbed my key from my pocket and before I unlocked the door I looked at Eddie and said "Eddie my dad doesn't really like other people so sorry if he comes off as rude to you. Eddie looked at me and nodded I unlocked the door and saw my dad on the couch with a lot of empty beer bottles on the floor, I sighed knowing I had to past him with Eddie to get to the staircase I grabbed eddies hand and quickly walked passed my dad.

Eddie's POV: As we walked into Juicy's house I saw his dad on the couch and I saw a huge pile of beer bottles on the floor. My eyes started to wonder and I was staring at this is picture that looked to be juicy when he was younger and his dad in the picture and also this pretty women who was standing next to them, my guess was that was his mom but where exactly was his mom I mean she wasn't with his dad I just assumed maybe she was at work or with friends. I continued to look at the picture for a couple more seconds until I felt the soft warm hand touch my hand again... Juicy grabbed my hand as we speed walked passed his dad and before we could go upstairs Juicy's dad looked at him and I holding hands and said "Well gaege I didn't think you had it in you" he chuckled "let's be real here did you think you would actually be able to pull this handsome boy you have there with you? Juicy's dad said. "We're not dating dad... we're just friends." Juicy said sounding annoyed, "You too holding hands say other wise." His dad said. Juicy immediately let go of my hand I felt my heart hurt a bit but I didn't know why it's not like I felt something for Juicy right? Juicy glared at his dad and then looked at me and said "let's go."

Juicy's POV: It was so weird my dad never acted like that normally he would start yelling at me but since he saw Eddie he was more chill but I didn't want to fall for his little dumb games so I looked at Eddie and said "let's go." As me and Eddie get to my room I started packing my clothes, my toothbrush, and many other things. As I'm packing Eddie says "Juicy I saw a picture on the wall and I believe your mom was on it and I was just wondering out of curiosity where is your mom?" I froze after hearing Eddie's question "Juicy are you okay?" I quickly responded "Yeah... it's just uh... well my m-mom she uh... she passed away a few years ago.." I said holding back my tears. I could tell Eddie immediately regretted asking "Oh... Juicy I...I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have asked..." Eddie said looking down "N-no no it's not your fault you didn't know... and you were just curious." I said. I finished packing and Eddie helped me carry some of my bags as we walked down the stairs, we both walked passed my dad and as we did he said "So where you going." My dad asked sounding a bit mad "I'm just going to have a sleepover with my-" "Boyfriend?" He said cutting me off "I said we're just friends da-" I said being cut off again by my dad "yeah, yeah whatever you say" he said sounding annoyed. "Just come home I don't know in two weeks" he said "But dad I don't have enough clothes for two weeks-" I said but it was too late he had already pushed me and Eddie out of the house and locked the door, my dumbass left my key inside my room so there was really no way to get back inside the house. I knew my dad was being too nice all he wanted was to just get me out of the house since he knew I would probably staying with Eddie.

To be continued

This one was short (well at least I think)but hope it was good 👍

Thanks for reading ❤️

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