Eddie X juicy part 6

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Smut warning is all I have to say

Juicy's POV: I was putting my hand up Eddie's shirt when all of a sudden I hear another knock at the door, I took my hand out of his shirt and yelled "SERIOUSLY" I was really pissed off now I opened the door to see Grant again "Seriously what do you want" I said annoyed "To talk Juicy please" "Go on" I say already tired of him "I like you, I like you a lot and look I already know your with Eddie I understand that you love him and it's pretty obvious you don't love me and I'm not going to make nor force you to love me I just wanted you to know that I'm here okay if you need anything "Yeah I need something from you" "I'm all ears" "I need you to LEAVE ME THE F*CK ALONE GRANT" I yelled as I slammed the door shut and lock it.

Eddie's POV: "LEAVE ME THE F*CK ALONE GRANT" I hear Juicy yell as I hear the door slam once again "God Grants being such an a*s!" Juicy complained "Hey just try to get your mind off it" I said trying to calm him down (oh god 💀) "Okay I know what to do" he said as he got in top of me, he started making out with me again and instead of him putting his hand in my shirt he put his hand in my boxers "J-JUICY" I yell "what? It's distracting me" he said with a calm voice I felt him rub my cock up and down over and over again "J-Juicy p-please" I said desperately I was not in the mood for that type of stuff today "Your no fun" Juicy said taking his hand out. I tried putting my hand on his face but he just took my hand off "Sorry my love just today is not the best day" I said "Yeah yeah it's fine I guess" he said annoyed "look I'm just going to take a shower, uh wanna join?" I said trying to make him not so upset "YES" he said in excitement... oh god... I immediately regretting saying that there's no way this is going to go calm.

Juicy's POV: Maybe Eddie could stop and complain but come on could he in the shower we both got undressed and hopped in the shower I immediately jump on Eddie and wrap my legs around him and my arms around his neck. "What are you trying to do my love" he said knowing I was up to something "something" I said laughing a bit.

Eddie's POV: I knew Juicy was going to try something so I decided to go first I know I said not today but god I couldn't resist him I kissed his neck looking for his sweet spot I heard him moan when I found it I then gave him a hickey and starting making out after a while we both got out the shower and got dressed. Juicy sat on our bed and I sat next to him "I love you Juicy" "I love you too Eddie"

The end

I wanted to write more but at the same time I wanna write a new book so yeah this was fun thank you for reading :)

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