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At first I didn't wanted to do this because I was afraid of hate but-


Can we stop comparing colonial empire?

What I mean by this is that I've seen some people who would say things like "The French empire wasn't worse than the British Empire" or just comparing their way of how they've colonized like "the other was less problematic than the other"

Like-can we just stop?

Because in either, they both have done colonialism, something fucked up and that's definitely not okay. Comparing them in this way is just like saying "oh but the Congolese genocide is nothing compared to the Uyghurs's"

You see where the thing is wrong.

Idk maybe it's just me but I've seen some comments like this on Instagram, wattpad ect and this just bug me out.


For the people who said that the french empire was pacifist compared to the British's


How do I say it-

They have destroyed Madagascar's culture by violence as well. Cutting the head of every villager, burning the folk religion and imposed in the violent way their's alongside with their way of thinking.

And the belgian had committed a genocide in DRC and cutt the arm of every indigenous person there

Just for saying

Sorry I'll probably delete this

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