Let's Become Pyroman!

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A shitty game I found

I'll write some of the sentences that I hate the most and you're going to use the fire emoji to show if you really want burn whoever say that or the sentence

🔥<-I don't like this sentence but eh I can still handle it.
🔥🔥<-I really don't like this sentence and if you say it more than two I'll definitely don't want to talk with you for 3 weeks.
🔥🔥🔥<-I really despite that phrase and if you say that, instant block.
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥<-however even think to say that, I hope they rot in hell 🥰

Okay let's go


"Women ☕"

"Why aren't they in the chicken"

"You can't change your gender 🙄"

"Don't make us colonize you again"

"Family is still family, you can't leave them because they're"toxic" 🙄"

"The christ have died for your sins repent 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻✝️✝️✝️✝️"

"Men used to go to war, not to wear makeup."

"Shut up no one cares about your gender shit 🤣"

"L lgbt flag"

"Abortion is killing innocent children!"

"Girls can't meme"

"Drag queens are indoctrinating children!"

"What you don't have already"

"Stop changing your gender the lord have gave you your biological body don't change it! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻"

"I'm fine with gays as long as they don't do it their whole personality"

"Why everyone is becoming gay or bi these days 💀"

"Children are my propriety, they don't need rights or indoctrination from drag queens!!"

"Shut up and go back to the kitchen"

"Climate change isn't real!"

"I got beat when I was a child and I didn't died because of it, this generation is just a bunch of snowflakes 🙄"

"Ewww nail polish! That's g*y af!!!"


I think I'm going to stop myself there

Part 2 mayhap? One day? Idk

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