Chapter 1

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As much as Layla loved the crew, there was such a thing as spending too much time together. And she'd reached her limit.

Miss Nowhere had called a meeting at the beginning of the week and told them she wanted to do some basic spy training to brush up on their skills since they hadn't done a mission in a while. She'd informed them that they'd be staying at the garage all week so they could start first thing in the morning. The first couple days were fun, like one giant sleepover, but after six days of sleeping on a couch and sharing her space with three teenage guys, Layla was ready to get out of there.

She could sense that Echo was fed up, too, especially now that Tony, Cisco and Frostee had resorted to "smoothie making" for entertainment. Except the goal wasn't to make a good smoothie, it was to throw a bunch of gross, non-smoothie ingredients in a blender and see which one of them could drink the most of the resulting mixture without throwing up. Boys will be boys.

Of course they loved the guys, but the girls needed a night off. An idea suddenly popped into Layla's head. She pulled out her phone to text Echo.

Layla: Hey, you wanna ditch the guys for tonight?

Layla watched as Echo glanced at her phone screen, and then at her, frowning from across the room. Layla shrugged in response.

Echo: What do you mean? Nowhere said we can't leave, anyway.

Layla: Come on, what's the worst she can do? Yell at us? She does that already. Plus, I think she'd understand why we need a girls night after she made us live with the guys for the past week, lol.

Echo: True...I'm down, I guess. What'd you have in mind?

Layla smiled. She wasn't going to tell Echo where they were going just yet, because she may back out. So, instead of responding to the text, Layla stood and walked over to her suitcase, gesturing for Echo to come with. Echo looked skeptical, but came over anyway.

"What's going on?" She asked, watching as Layla rummaged through clothes.

"You'll see. Here," Layla said, holding out a cropped tank top, a pair of jean shorts, and a flannel. "Put these on."

Echo held up the clothes and raised an eyebrow.


"Just do it. I'm changing too."

"Can't you just tell me where we're going , Layla?"

"Ugh, fine. We're going line dancing," Layla replied. Echo's expression was already turning sour, so she quickly continued. "But you can't back out now! You already said you'd go somewhere with me."

"Uh, yeah, because I didn't know you meant line dancing. I've never done that in my life!"

"Okay, sorry. But it'll be fun! And you'll be fine. You're a better dancer than Toretto, and he ended up being kinda good at it when we went."

"Yeah, but- wait, when did you and Tony go line dancing?" Echo asked.

Layla silently cursed. Why did she bring that up? She couldn't exactly explain it without making it sound like a date. It wasn't, of course- she and Tony had been out racing a couple weeks ago and came across the place, so Layla insisted on going because she did it all the time when she was younger. But Echo may not buy that. Was it better to just avoid the question altogether? Probably not, but Layla didn't feel like answering.

"Um, it was a while ago. No big deal," she said quickly. "Anyways, please go with me! It'll be fun to just let loose a little."

Echo didn't seem convinced, but she finally sighed in defeat.

"Fine. But only because I know you're not telling me everything about your night out with Tony and I wanna find out the whole story," she smiled slyly and then headed towards the bathroom to change.

Layla rolled her eyes. So much for being free from the guys. Echo was probably going to keep her talking about Tony all night now. Oh well. It would still be nice to get out of the garage for a while.

Ten minutes later, both girls had changed and put some makeup on. Echo wasn't crazy about her new clothes, but after some encouragement from Layla, she felt a bit more confident. Layla's outfit was similar- jean shorts and a crop top- but she'd opted for her signature, red leather jacket instead of a flannel.

"So why did you even pack all these clothes?" Echo asked before they left the bathroom. "Were you already planning on sneaking out?"

"Maybe," Layla shrugged. "I like to be prepared."

"Whatever you say. Can we go? I wanna get this over with."

"Ugh, can you at least try to have fun?"
The girls walked out into the kitchen, surprised to find that Tony, Cisco and Frostee were now sitting on the couch, playing Uno. Apparently they'd gotten bored of the smoothie game. The three of them looked up in surprise as they saw Layla and Echo, taking in their new outfits and looking very confused.

"Yo, where are you two going?" Cisco asked, setting down his deck of cards.

"None of your business," Echo replied, crossing her arms.

"Uh, it is if you want us to cover for you in case Miss Nowhere stops by," Frostee said. "Come on, spill."

"We're just going line-dancing," Layla told him. "There's a place a few miles from here."

"Ooh, can I come?" Tony asked, his eyes twinkling as he looked at Layla hopefully. "I happen to be a pro at the Do-si-do."

He grinned at Layla and she found herself wanting to say yes, but Echo would never let her hear the end of it if she did.

"Sorry Toretto," Layla replied. "Girls night only. But you can take me out tomorrow if you really want to."

Tony's eyes widened, and Layla suddenly realized what she'd said. What the hell? Where did that come from? Hoping her face wasn't as red as it felt, she quickly began dragging Echo towards the door.

"Uh, we'll see y'all later. Bye!"

Once they were outside, Layla finally let out a breath. The crisp, night air felt good on her flushed cheeks, and she prayed that Echo would forget about what had just happened.

No such luck.

"Okay, that was bold, even for you, but I knew it!" Echo exclaimed

"Knew what?" Layla braced herself for Echo's reply.

"That you like Tony, fool," Echo said. "Don't try to play dumb."

Great. The exact conversation Layla didn't want to have tonight. Maybe it was the truth, but there were so many things that could go wrong, so she always forced herself to push whatever feelings she had for Tony aside. Having someone else know about those feelings meant it would be a lot harder to not think about them. So Layla decided to play dumb anyway. Hopefully Echo would get the hint.

"What? I was just joking when I said that thing about him taking me out!"

Echo crossed her arms.

"Yeah right. If it was a joke, why'd you want to get out of there so fast after you said it? And even if it was, it didn't come across that way, so Tony's gonna be hella confused."

That was another thing Layla didn't want to think about right now- having to face Tony when they got back to the garage tonight.

"Whatever," she told Echo. "Can we not have this conversation right now? Girls night, remember? We're free from the guys tonight, so we're not talking about them either."

"Uh, you're forcing me to go line-dancing. I'm gonna talk about whatever I want," Echo said, grinning mischievously. "You shouldn't have invited a spy school trainee- I take my interrogations very seriously."

Layla sighed. This was going to be a long night.

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