Chapter 7

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Leviathan had always been sort of a social recluse.

Not that he had much time in his busy schedule for such a normie activity like socialization anyways. There was too much anime for him to watch, so many figurines and trading cards that he had yet to organize, not to mention the ever-growing pile of games waiting for him to play. So, it was only natural that Levi spent most of his time locked away in his room, focusing on his otaku passions.

That being said, the third born also loved his brothers.

Which meant that Levi always tried to carve an hour or two out of his non-existent free time to spend with them. Whether that meant playing some video games with Beel and Belphie or trying to teach Mammon and Asmo the ins and outs of the card game Magic: The Gate, the third born always revelled in the chance to share his interests with his family.

And right now was no exception.

Making his way through the halls with full arms, Levi couldn't deny that he was excited to watch anime with his older brother. Maybe even play some games if the second eldest were feeling up to it. And although they weren't exactly his forté, the otaku was even willing to play one of Mammon's first-person shooting games if that's what he wanted.

With one foot in front of the other, the third born continued his march through the halls, the grey stone walls and the myriad of paintings that adorned them blurring around him as he went. As he rounded the last corner, his pace quickened once Mammon's door came into view; and after a few more excited strides, Levi soon found himself face to face with its dark wooden surface.

Rearranging everything in his arms, nearly dropping both full glasses of water while trying to free his right hand. And once everything was settled, and Levi was sure nothing would fall, he lifted his hand and gave three quick knocks. He stood awkwardly for a minute, listening carefully for a response. When none came, the avatar of envy raised his fist to knock a second time. Once again, with no response. After the third knock, Levi began to wonder if the avatar of greed was asleep. In that case, Satan would probably want him to go in and wait in case Mammon did wake up. Plus, he would be lying to say he didn't want to check up on his brother himself.

Levi reached down to grab the doorknob. But just as his fingers grazed its cool metal, the door was weakly pulled open, just wide enough for Mammon to fit in the doorway.

Satan hadn't been lying, Levi thought as his eyes scanned his brother from head to toe. Mammon looked awful.

Had it been any other day, Levi probably would have told the avatar of greed just that. Had his worn-out appearance been the consequence of another Demonus-filled night at the casino. Levi would have teased his brother about how he's 'totally seen better days'. And he'd probably talk louder than normal and laugh at his obvious hangover. Just to get back at the second born who laughed two weeks ago when Levi had turned up to breakfast just as Beel finished licking his plate.

But that wasn't the case.

"Are you okay?" he whispered. It was the only thing the third eldest could bring himself to say as he stared into his brother's blue eyes that dripped with an unpleasant mix of exhaustion and pain.

"I-I'm fine," Levi couldn't help but wince at the hoarseness of his voice, the way it threatened to give out at any second. "Whaddya want?" Mammon's eyes drifted down to the overfilled Seraphina: The Queen of the High Elves tote bag that hung uncomfortably from the crook of his elbow. "What's all that?"

"Video games."


"Well, I mean there's some anime too," Levi muttered, his voice growing quieter as he noticed Mammon holding the side of the door as if it were the only thing keeping him upright. Though considering the way the avatar of greed's body swayed slightly, he doubted he was far from the truth. "Dude, should you even be standing RN?"

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