As the world falls down

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When he was drifting up to consciousness, still heavy with sleep, his blurry vision was filled with a pair of pale eyes watching him. For a second, Robbe was hit with a cold sense of dejavu, his heart lurched. His racing pulse shook him fully awoke, his eyes cleared in alarm, but Sander was smiling deeply at him.

"Good morning." He said, his fingers were caressing his back, making abstract pattern on his skin.

After a second of recalling the event of last night, his heartbeats settled into a quiet happiness. Robbe had ended up sleeping on his belly, face toward Sander. He smiled back and then giggled from the pleasant tingles.

"Morning. You've been watching me sleep, huh?"

Sander stroke his hair. "I love watching you sleep. You look like an angel."

Love. Angel. The way the words flowed unrestrained from his lips was something he was joyfully looking forward to get used to. Robbe leaned into his warmth.

Suddenly Sander was humming the opening notes to the song 'As the World Falls Down', while still stroking his hair.

"I'll place the sky within your eyes." He sang softly, gazing at him with his intense eyes.

Robbe felt heat crept up his face. "Sander.."

But, Sander kept singing with no apparent self-consciousness.

"There's such a fooled heart beating so fast

In search of new dreams

A love that will last

Within your heart

I'll place the moon

Within your heart."

Robbe was half-covering his face now, smiling in absurd shyness.

Sander pulled his hand from his face gently. "I'll be there for you-ou-ou.. As the world falls down.."

Robbe grabbed his face. "Okay, okay, I love you too." He kissed his mouth to shut him up.

They giggled when they broke away.

"You still think it's a sad love?"

"It's more beautiful than sad." Robbe said. Then he added, "Sad is okay, as long as it's a happy ending."

They looked at each other again, smiling and basking in their togetherness. Robbe hold his face and planted small kisses on his cheeks and the skin near his mouth. "Your face is so big." He chuckled affectionately.

Sander arched an eyebrow. Robbe laughed. "But, I love it. It makes it very nice to kiss." He said and smooched him some more, along the side of his face and his hair until Sander was giggling. Sander pulled him in to soft kisses, just drinking each other in, keeping their contact with unbroken gazes, light brushes, skin over skin.

Some time passed when Sander's face turned serious and filled with cautious concern. He asked, "Are you okay, Robbe?"

His brow burrowed in confusion.

"I mean, about last night, with those scums.." Sander said carefully, studying his face.

A ghost of memories, shudders ran through him, then he was inside Sander's arms, his soft voice soothing him, hands stroking his hair. Robbe trembled quietly, inhaling his scent, letting the near miss washed over and out of him, became a lesson, a fraction reshaping his awareness.

"I am okay." He murmured into his shoulder.

Sander kissed the side of his face softly, keep stroking his back for a while longer, before letting him go. "Promise me, you won't go alone again, okay?"

"I promise I won't be that stupid again." He smiled; Sander caressed his cheek.

"But, you are staying right?" Robbe asked tentatively, heart in his hand.

"Are you kidding? Of course I am staying, Robbe." Sander replied and planted a kiss on his lips.

"How about college?"

"It's fine. College here is just as good, I am sure my aunt will understand, I will tell her. She's already offered to be my patron. I think she sees helping me as a way of honoring my uncle's memory."

"That's great. She sounds so kind."

"She is. Even if she doesn't help, I will find a way. I can try to get scholarship or something, I won't leave you Robbe, I can't."

Robbe hesitated, he didn't want him to sacrifice his art for him.

"It will work out, trust me." Sander smiled, stroking his cheek. "She loves art and I showed some of my drawings too. I am quite certain she will be fine with it. But, I think I will still try for scholarship, and maybe do some part-time too, so I won't take too much from her."

Robbe nodded, a broad smile split his face. "You are staying.."

Sander leaned in, he kissed his mouth, up to his cheek, to his ear, he took his earring between his teeth, pulled and sucked. A low sound tore out from his lips. He felt Sander's warm breath tingling into his ear, "I am not going anywhere." Then he grabbed hold of his head and shoving his tongue inside.

"Oh.." Robbe moaned, arching his body toward him, weaving his hand through Sander's hair.

Sander's mouth trailed down to his jaw, his neck, shivers passed everywhere his lips landed, heat coursing in his blood.

"I wouldn't mind for a ride, though." Sander murmured onto his throat.

"Hmm?" Robbe was focusing on the sensation thrumming through him, one pleasure replaced with another, creating a web of craves, all wanting some attention.

Sander was brushing his lips on his shoulder, his fingers travelling down his body in light caresses that made him quivered, moaning helplessly.

"I like it when you ride me." He whispered against his skin hoarsely.

Understanding slipped through his dizziness, he giggled. "You just want me to do all the work."

"My side still hurts." Sander replied. A smile on his skin.

Robbe felt soft tongue on his nipple, he gasped and could do nothing but panting for a while. Grappling for some shred of focus, he gasped out, "We can switch."

"Hm, we can. But, don't you want this?" Sander took his hand, brushing it down his body, lower to his stomach, lower still between his legs so that Robbe could feel his erection, hard and throbbing inside his hand. Sander moved his hand in a slow up and down motion making them both stroking him together. His heart was pounding fast, hot lust rushed out.

"In you?" Sander asked low and harsh, kissing his neck.

"Oh God, yes." Robbe rasped.

He felt Sander grinned. "Glad we agree", he replied, lifting him up on top of him.

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