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Author's pov

The whole day went as usual and you were informed that after 2 days, the university will organize a fresher's party for all the students of the college, including the seniors and the staff as well.

It was 11 in the night and you were still not over the spark that bogged you up with the thoughts of the baddest guy...why were you feeling this way? Why is he not out of your mind till now? Lost in your thoughts, you slowly went to sleep, hugging your pillow.

Next day

Mom - bye sweetie, have a great day

Yn - thanks mom, you too

You went out of the car and towards the main gates of the university where you found your dear friend.

Sara - yo what's up?

Yn - all gud, you say?

Sara - fine af

Yn - good to know that

Both of you chuckled and went inside the university. Heading towards your locker, you bid sara a small bye as her locker was in some other part of the department, basically upstairs, so she went there and it was already 9:50, and you had your class at 10 so you couldn't go along with each other.

You checked your locker number again from your mobile screen to make sure you go to the right locker.

Yn - 283

You mumbled to yourself.

Just then your phone buzzed in your hand and the caller id showed dad. You got excited and accepted the call.

Yn - hello dad!!

Dad - hello my princess, how are you love?

Yn - I'm perfect dad, you say?

Dad - I'm good as well, have a great 2nd day in the university, will call you later in the evening.

You laughed at his words.

Yn - sure dad, bbye

Dad - bye Princess

You cut the call, going towards the locker

Yn - 238 it is

You mumbled again, going to the desired locker. Pulling out the keys, you were about to put them inside the keyhole that suddenly you felt a very warm breath on your neck in fact a hot one. You flinched at the sensation, you looked around and found a veiny tattooed arm blocking your way from your right side.
You saw it somewhere, but where?

?? - what are you doing in front of my locker?

The man behind you spoke in a deep raspy voice that sent electric shocks to your whole body. No way you're getting affected by someone's voice or are you?

You felt like your voice got stuck in your throat, as if you forgot how to speak. You wanted to talk back but you were unable to do so.

?? - got a tongue?

Yn - I-i-it-its m-my l-locker.

?? - I bet not, you sure 'bout that?

You tried to turn back to face the person, but due to the proximity it was unable for you to do so. He only had his right tattoed arm on your right side and you were free from the left side, so you slid out of it and came behind the back of the person to continue whatever you were saying. Thankfully there was no one else in the Hall way other than you two.

Yn - y-yes i am, it's 238.

?? - that's what I'm saying, it's mine, mind checking it from the information you got.

He said turning back to you, and the sight you saw in front of you made your breath hitch.




Who it might be?

The baddie, the baddest who you weren't able to take out from your mind last night is here again in front of you. You felt like you lost all the courage but why we're you trembling?

Building up your courage you took out your phone from your pocket, checking it you found that your locker number was 283 and not 238. You were embarrassed as hell now, what would you say now?

Jungkook - satisfied?

Yn - u-uh I-i am s-sorry. I-i thought it was m-mine. Sorry.

He chuckled at your sentence, and you watched him doing so noticing how ethnically beautiful he is, his tall and muscular body, the black shirt with rolled up sleeves with that tattoed arm peeking out and a puffed out chest along with grey half pants and black formal boots and a Rolex plus those dark black hair slicked back appreciating his Godly sculptured face. Damn, man like him does exist, you were mesmerized by him but terrified as well.

Jungkook - done checking out?

You flinched at the sudden remark and he chuckled yet again.

Jungkook - careful next time, I do not spare people usually, but I'll let you go shawty, you are already a scaredy cat.

No you are not, you can speak up for yourself, it's just in front of him. You wanted to say that but you couldn't.

Yn - i-i am sorry

He barely nodded at that and you turned around to find your locker. You found your locker and were going  to go towards it that--

Jungkook - stop!

He said again making you stop but you still didn't turn back.

Jungkook - your name might be?

He asked and you were about to say when he again spoke.

Jungkook - leave it, you're better called shawty.

Saying this he left in the opposite direction and you were left in daze of whatever happened and However your instincts reacted to it.

Yn - stop it yn, your class is in 2 mins.

Saying that to yourself you marched towards your locker and took out the essentials. Sara was there by the time and then both of you left for the class, you did not tell anything about earlier to Sara as you didn't wanted to give more heed to itit, he messed up enough with your mind already and you definitely do not want to increase the mess.

In the evening

The whole day went usually and you did not see him after the morning and you couldn't be any more glad for that.

Hope you liked it please wait for the next part.

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