A Lost Pixie: G.I. Joe: Life's Changes and New Beginnings Part 3

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They had been driving for a while, breaking the speed limit from the start to get to the town. Not that anyone questioned it since they were in a Cobra truck, all presumed they were rushing to help. They didn't have much longer before arriving at the town now, 20 miles, and Scarlett was letting her disdain for returning known.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into going back there." She started with her arms crossed and glared at the passager seat's dash.

Duke, who was driving, glanced over at her while questioning, "Aren't you the one who's determined to take down Cobra?"

She looked over at him, uncrossing her arms while responding bluntly, "Yeah, but I'm not the one foolish enough to return to the scene of the crime."

The short dirty blonde sitting in the back spotted Tunnel Rat glancing back at the meditating ninja, "Remind me -- Why are we bringing the ninja along?"

The big guy supplied the answer, "'Cause he has a sword, and he knows how to use it."

The female in the back with him sat calmly, listening to each conversation but not bothering to get involved. She settled down a while back but wasn't up to interacting with anyone. Plus, the idea of them going back to a Bio-Viper didn't help matters. Of course, she was up for going back. She wasn't willing to let people get hurt if she could help; however, that was the problem. What could she do to help? Sure, she knew enough to use a gun for the most part. Once she found the safety on it, she could point and squeeze. She was a horrible shot most of the time unless she was angry, then she could hit the mark. She caught the soft tone of a male's voice, calling for the attention of the citizens. It was a voice that drew you in and fostered trust, but she knew better. She had heard the voice before. It shouldn't be trusted, no matter how nice it was to listen to.

Duke had slowed down, and she leaned forward to look out the window, watching the corn fields that passed by. The short blonde jumped to her feet, scurrying away when something smacked into the side behind her. In her rush, she stumbled, about to faceplant, when two black-clad arms wrapped around her thin waist and pulled her to a muscular chest. She looked up at the masked face before burying her face into his chest again when she heard more loud thuds. He gently rubbed circles in the small of her back with his thumb. She peeked her head up once she calmed down and looked over at the offense's spot but saw nothing wrong. Her tense body relaxed in his hold, and she looked back up to the male, her face turning beat red.

'Seriously, are you this scared over everything? What's next? Heart attack from seeing my shadow! Damn, am I that pathetic now, and I'm nothing more than dead weight to everyone!' The short female screamed in her head out of anger and embarrassment.

She went to step back out of his hold, but the male didn't let her go, and when she looked up, she found his focus at the front. She followed his gaze to see metal rods and red tops, causing her body to seize in panic. She gestured with her hands in a stopping motion and pointed to the front. The male seemed to know the problem and pulled her to the front with him. He shoved her into the back of a seat before pulling the emergency brake while turning the wheel while she gripped the back of the chair for dear life. The vehicle stopped short, sideways, and Snake-Eyes grabbed the can of crawlies from Tunnel Rat's hands, chunking them out the opened window, red lights becoming visible as the poor things were shocked to death.

He handed the empty can back while Duke spoke, "Guess he owes you some leeches."

The big guy looked at the deadly electric fence wearily while asking, "So, how do we get in?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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