Life's Changes and New Beginnings

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Alright rewrote this, and I think this is more what I was hoping for! Let me know if you like it ^_^

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Alright rewrote this, and I think this is more what I was hoping for! Let me know if you like it ^_^. Hopefully, I'll be working on the next chapter and, maybe, other stories soon! 


She didn't know what was happening. Her body felt like it was slowly being ripped piece by piece, then reassembled. Her insides felt like magma, and an ear-piercing scream assaulted her ears. It didn't take the young woman long to realize that it was her making the screeching sound. Even though her bright, hazel green eyes were wide, she couldn't see anything other than blurs of color. She was ready to claw her own skin off. Anything to make it all stop. She couldn't take anymore, but all she could do was pray it would all end. Even if death was the only option, she had left.

After, what felt like an eternity, the pain trickled to dull throbbing pain. She wasn't screaming in agonizing pain and could feel a cold surface under her heated skin. Her vision wasn't very focused, but she was starting to make out what looked like metal around her. She was beginning to wonder if she was in a hospital; however, that didn't match what she could see. A young man close to her age with milk-chocolate hair and lighter, shaded brown eyes stepped into her vision. She tried to reach for him, beg him for help, but she wasn't sure if she successfully did either. A grin that could give the grinch a run for his money spread across his lips then his mouth started to move. She couldn't make out much. It was like listening to someone speak while submerged under water; however, she did make out three words. Look, new, toy, and the tone she caught was enough to make her hot skin crawl, and death began to look like a better option.

'Someone, help me...' Was the last thing she thought before darkness consumed her.


She didn't know how long it had been since she was at the mercy of the psycho that called himself Dr. Mindbender. For all she knew, it could have been days, weeks, months, or even years. There was no way for her to tell in this place. There were no windows, and from what she could tell from the train, they were in some underground lab. The psycho Doctor, as she liked to refer to him, didn't sleep much when he got into his work, which was most of the time, and he wanted to keep her with him if at all possible. She was a side project; he would move to her or catnap when he had a minute or needed a break. When he left for some time, she was put in her 'room,' a cubicle with a small bathroom, but she was watched 24/7. She was nothing more than a plaything to him. He loved torturing her and kept her close as much as he could.

Much like now, she was chained to the railing on a high circular platform with high-tech shackles. The shackles were on her wrist and ankles to prevent her from kicking the psycho, and they only left her enough movement to walk. The platform held bulky equipment and computers, which was the place she was most familiar with. This was the area he would drag her off to the most unless it were the testing room. The place she wished she could forget. She would sometimes hear him speaking to people on the computer screen, and some of the voices sounded familiar, but she couldn't place them until she caught the name Cobra. That was when she realized why everything around her was high-tech and where she had landed. Even the way things looked made more sense, the vibrant coloring and the smoothness. Even she looked different in ways. She still had the same dirty blonde hair and pear-shaped frame, but it was more defined like a realistic anime drawing would look.

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