Chapter 10

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That's how we ended up in the principal's office on the second day of the new school year. Zach and I sat side by side in the waiting room till Mr. Endran spoke to Cody's parents.

Cody's sure to get a punishment for stealing another student's property. Or so I heard on our way here. I was gonna thank Zach but Mrs. Ode walked in.

"Zach and Rihanna, you two may go in now".

The two of us got up and walked into the office.

Mr. Endran signalled us to sit down and we didnas we were told. Just as we did Cody's dad jumped out of his seat.

"You two rascals injured my son!", he yelled at us.

I stood up and yelled back, "We wouldn't have if your son wasn't a lying, stealing, motherfucker!".

"Rihanna Blue!", Mr. Endran yelled, "Sit down and be mindful of your language!".

I rolled my eyes and slumped back down on my chair. Mr. Endran gave us some speech about our actions. To which I payed no attention to.

Once Cody's parents left Mr. Endran gave us two options. Either be suspended for a two weeks or get four weeks of detention. And I can't let my parents know so I agreed to the detention.

Zach did the same saying that if his mom found out she'll kill him. Which seems pretty true cause Zach's mom is scary.

After all that we left the office and I walked to my locker and Zach followed me, "It's your fault remember", he said glaring at me.

"Nope, you punched him on your own will, I never told you to", I said leaning against my locker.

"Whatever, now we're even".

"Even?", I asked.

"You took me home when I was drunk and I punched Cody, so we're even", he replied taking out his phone.

It was all most lunch time, just ten more minutes to go so the two of us hanged out near my locker and Zach surprisingly opened up and told me about himself. I told him about my past too and my real self and how j changed just so I wouldn't get picked on.

"That's ridiculous", Zach said, "You got a whole makeover just so Carla and Lola won't bother you anymore?".

"You might think so but you never went through that I'm sure.....since....", I couldn't admit that he was good-looking put loud to him, it'll just increase his ego.

He scoffed and took out his phone. He scrolled through it for a while and turned around so I could see. It was a picture of Zach. With braces.

"See", he said pointing at it, "I got bullied because of this and then one day I had enough and punched him. He did the same to me and we had a full blown fight. Guess I was better at fighting than he was since I broke his arm and nose and was expelled. That's why I transferred here".

"Woah", I said shocked, "That's on the next level".

He shrugged and put away his phone. The bell rang and students started flooding in to the hallway and all often had heard about how Zach and I hit Cody since that's all I heard as they walked past us.

I started walking to the cafeteria but then turned back to Zach, "Remember how you said no guy would wanna date me? Well I'll prove you wrong", and with that I walked away.


Amy and I were enjoying lunch talking about last night. I told her everything about Zach and she told me about the party. Guess I didn't miss a lot. But we were interuppted by a guy walking up to me.

"Hey...Rihanna right?", he said smirking at me.

"Yeah, what do you want?", I asked.

"Wanna meet up tonight? 8.00pm?", he asked and slid me a piece of paper with and address written on it.

"Hmm maybe", I smirked, "Name?".

He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled, "Max Belford".

Wait Belford's Zach's last name, maybe this is his older brother, he's definitely is a senior judging by his height...but I think Zach and his height's the same.

"Sure, see you then", I smiled and pocketed the piece of paper as Amy watched with her mouth open.

Max walked away and I smiled happily, how would Zach feel if I come home with his own brother. Zach Belford, don't underestimate me.




Finally it was 7.45pm. Now I'll go meet Max. I thought of changing but decided not to. Cause he's not gonna be seeing the clothes much anyway. I drove my bike to Zach's or should I say Max's and rang the door bell. Max opened the door and smirked at me and pulled me inside.

 Max opened the door and smirked at me and pulled me inside

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"Come on let's go to my room", he said and winked.

I followed him and as we passed Zach's room he stepped out. And he was shirtless. Sure it wasn't the first time I've seen him like that but still it was breathtaking.

"Max if you're going out-", he stopped mid sentence when he saw me, "What's she doing here?".

"Hola Zach", I said grinning at him and Max smirked.

"Someone explain what's going on", he said looking back and forth between me and Max.

"Oh nothing much, Max was just looking for some fun for the night", I said and Zach's mouth dropped open.

"Oh hell no Rihanna", Zach growled and grabbed my wrist pulling me away from Max.

"What's wrong?", I questioned pouting.

Damn it Zach, don't ruin my amazing plan.

"You're not sleeping with him", he instructed me.

"Zach let her go. What's wrong with you?", Max glared at his brother.

Max reached out and grabbed my hand and pulled me away but suddenly Zach put his arms around my waist and pulled me backwards on to himself. Damn his body's so warm and I could feel his abs pressing on to my back through my shirt.

"She's my girlfriend", Zach said.

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