Chapter 17

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Once Kyle had left I sat down on the chair and crossed my legs.

"How much do I need to pay?", I asked as Tobias walked down the stairs.

"I normally charge alot but since this job was easy....I'll say a two thousand dollars".

My eyes widened and Zach who was leaning agasint a wall with his eyes closed, opened his eyes with shock.

"You serious?", Zach asked.

"Yeah, that's pretty cheap from what I normally charge".

I have no idea how we're gonna pay him.

"I'll tell you what. If you can't pay I'll take you'll to meet my boss.", Tobias said.

"I guess", I shrugged.

"Yeah ok", Zach said.

Tobias drove us to a huge mansion. We drove through a ton of guards. When we got out of the care everything we have, put back packs, our pockets, everything was checked.

Once that was done Tobias led us through many hallways until we came across a room with a huge door. Tobias knocked on it thrice with some sort of code knock.

A man dressed in a suit opened the door and Tobias spoke, "I came here to meet Alistair. I've got to new people".

The man let us on and we saw another man also dressed in a suit sitting behind a huge dress. 

"Boss", Tobias said, "I've got to people who cannot pay me so I brought them to you".

The man,Alistair straightened up in his seat, "You girl", he pointed a finger at me, "I know how you will come in handy but this guy, u have  no use for you".

"What am I gonna come on handy for?", I asked crossing my arms.

"Is that even a question", Alistair laughed and Tobias the same and smirked at me.

"Oh hell no!", Zach yelled and grabbed my wrist pulling me behind him, "We'll pay somehow, there's noway I'm letting you do anything to her".

Alistair smirked, "You have two days to pay me or you know what will happen".

I can't believe I got myself into this mess, all I can do now is hope that we will magically get two thousand dollars in two days.

I wish myself good luck.

When I got home it was 8.00pm and my parents were waiting for me with Emlyn and Olivia .

"Rihanna", Dad spoke, "After finding out what has been going on we decided that it would be the best for Emlyn to leave".

"Thank God, I hate that bitch anyway", I rolled my eyes.

"Rihanna!", Mom yelled, "I'm  ot allowing you to curse".

"Ok OK chill", I said walking up the stairs.

Once in my bedroom I fell onto my bed and thought of ways I can get the money. First option was to get a job but no job will pay upfront.

I groaned burying my face in my pillow, but as soon as I did that my phone rang.


"Rihanna I have an idea", he spoke fast, "It's not a good idea but that's all we can do, meet me at 1.00am at the park. Bring your bike. I gotta go now. I need to set the things up".

"What!?", I yelled into the phone, "What is it?".

"Talk later, wear black", he hung up.

I sighed and threw my phone down next to me. I'm starting to regret doing this. I never expected this to go so far. Laying back down I set my alarm for 12.30am and closed my eyes.

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