Season 1 Chapter 3: a break from the stress and who is Colle?

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in case your confused Colle did enter the portal but he got sent back by Alex who saw him when he got to her world


After Sabre heard Shadow's voice in his head a few days ago he's been stressing to figure out how to get Shadow out of his head, Light noticed and figured he should try and go on a walk as a way to relieve some stress.

He decided to take Light's advice and go on a walk around outside the walls of the rainbow kingdom and by some of the farms..... though going past the library he met M at might have been a bad idea as the ground under him gave away "hu- woah!" as Sabre fell into the cave he thought he heard someone yell his name but that faded when he fell into a lake or in this cave's size..... a small puddle.

*M's POV*

'okay what happened one moment I saw Sabre walking around the library the next he fell through a hole in the ground where did it even come from?!' I decided to check the hole and what I saw was not something I was expecting above it, I quickly drew a sketch of it teleported to the red kingdom with goggles near my house "oh M your back so early-" "no time you remember Sabre right?" I ask in a rush to get to the Red leaders house.

"Uh you mean that weird specimen you guys wouldn't let me experiment on? if so yes" goggles exclaimed "Professor red that's not the point Sabre fell into an old cave known by 'him' and I need to get to the red leader!" I nearly yelled "wait what?! well what are we waiting then? come on!" Goggles finishes as he runs ahead of me.

* Rosso (the red leaders) POV*

I was finishing up my reports when Goggles and my apprentice barge in without knocking it was at that point I knew something happened "what's the matter with you two that you had to bust in my door?" I question them both and I noticed Professor red trying to figure out how to say their situation "Rosso we got a problem!" "Sabre fell into the giants cave!!" at those words my heart sank "how?.... that cave was sealed in how did that player fall into one of the most respected places known by the Collector?".

I start to interrogate both of them but M was still shocked by the player falling into a cave lost to time "Professor red get the invention ready if you were working on it" if anything the portal there might still be opened "uh on it" Professor red just barely got those words out before rushing out of the room to finish the invention we both decided on creating "my apprentice be honest with me" saying that got my student out of the clouds "what is your relationship with that player?" I ask in the nicest way possible.

"uh- w-well I-" he tried to speak but his voice betrayed him it wasn't until I saw a hint of his face reddening more that I realized "Kirmizi don't tell me you have grown feelings for the guy?!" at that point M or Kirmizi's face was as red as a tomato "uh- no?-" "Kirmizi buddy you never did a good job at hiding things from Rosso" Professor red came back with the device in his containment unit and put it in his inventory I thought he cleaned that? the things full of dust, dirt and a bit of rust is forming.

"Shut up you never did well either with your feelings" Kirmizi pointed out "yes but you know they stopped working properly after most of everyone in my days at the academy left for the world beyond any way shall we get going last thing we need is the specimen-" "Sabre" "yeah right finding something he shouldn't" with that Goggles hurried to the door and over to the portal link "we may as well catch up to him come on Kirmizi" and with that M, Rosso and Goggles all headed over to the giants cave..... and their final resting place.

*Sabre's POV*

"ugh ow my head did I fall through the earth?" I looked around and didn't see much ugh are there no lights in here? I opened my inventory and grabbed some sticks and coal I had left over from my stuff at the rainbow hub and made some torches well that helped a lot but now I feel smaller than I usually am why is everything so GIANT?

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