Chapter 4 - forget forgive

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Same tw as last chapter ! Please check!! And there's no nsfw!!!

I woke up in my bed without a shirt and no pants ... I grabbed my futon and covered myself. I looked in my mirror and saw hickeys along my neck and collarbone. I stood up and fell over. There was a pain in my lowers back and butt hole....



"Oh yes you did" a voice said from the door way. I picked my self up and covered my crotch as he stood there calmly, sipping on tea.

"Hm" he said.


"Let's be honest here,you stole mine too. You pulled my in for a kiss."he said , taking another sip, "my memory is foggy forgive me. Just forgive forget. It's fine if u don't forgive me though. I can leave if u want. Hm . I'm sure you would like that. Hm . I'll be available if u need me. Just call. U can have your space. Im sorry. Very sorry. Understandable if you wanna fire me . Hm. If I were u I would fire me too. Do you need anything? Shoudl I leave. Yea im gonna leave." He rambled on as he zoned out.

I stopped his rant by kissing him.

"Whag?" He said clearly flustered.

I walked away and got clothes.

Kazuha pov!!!

Mornings were heard from the bathroom. Hm... shit. He could be masturbating,getting the cum out or opening himself. Shit Kazuha snap out of your dirty thoughts. Dumbass.

He came out in his fine clothes and I left after that.

He grabbed my hand and spoke.

"After consideration, I will not fire you. Hm stay here." He ordered.

"What.why" I Asked as he dragged me down for breakfast. While walking down he got a notification. He checked it and I got a peek.

"What's that?"I asked curiously.

"Oh oh it's nothing ."

"Son , it's 8 am. Your late. Anyways you have a party next week . There will be a special announcement there. Be sure to attend." She said sternly.

I frowned. "I don't feel like eating bye." He said and let go .

I hummed and ate my food. Why does he rarely eat.. hm. He must feel hungry too.. I'll make him mini pancakes!!

La time skip

I placed them on a plate then put fruits and powdered sugar on it. I put sauce in little bottles so he could use them and went up stairs.

Scara pov:

Knock knock!

"Enter." I said , looking up from my the door opened I saw Kazuha with a plate of food.

"I thought you were hungry so I made this!"He said happily while smiling softly.

"Thanks... I'll try to eat it." I said.

"If u don't like it or u don't want it u can give it to me or throw is not my good spot." He said

"No no I will eat it, thank you"I said

He handed me a table thingy to put on the bed to eat and placed the food and sauce bottles there.

He sat next to me and turned his phone on,texting someone.

I drizzled some chocolate sauce and dug in.

It was really good . I wanted to stop eating at times but food is energy... Kazuha noticed I looked forced to eat it and I reassured him.

I finally finished my first plate of food in a very long time.

I looked over to his phone to see him texting someone. Very flirtatiously .


Kazoohahaha:hey tomo

Tomorrow:hihu kaz bbgz you like raisins or would you like a date.

Tomorrow:hm u sure? Don't you have a master to serve.

Kazoohahaha:hm come to the castle or smth. Aren't you a maid here.

Tomorrow:lazy but fine uh tomorrow 2pm. Bye Bbg.

Kazoohahaha: bye baby.

—///—/?:!!/!.!/!.!!:&:!;!: bdnxnsndjsjjsmdmmxnxn

"Kaz, who's tomo?" I asked

"My best friend?" He replied, turning his phone off.

"What ever you were texting just now sounded more than friends" I said

"Why do you care? Ur not my boyfriend,hm"he spoke as he stood up to leave.

I grabbed his hand, accidentally dropping his glove to show some bandages on his wrist. He shook my hand away.

"Wait.! You are not meeting tomo tomorrow. You need to serve me."I said.

"At least on my break. I do almost everything for you. And I've worked for you for only a week!" He said, getting fed up.

I let him go and have a break but he just doesn't know how much I love him. That fucking tomo.  He used to work for me. We were close. He told me he liked his best friend, Kazuha . He rarely came over to the castle and I fired him. Only for him to come Bak but in a lower position.

____________________________________how will he forgive forget when he literally wants to make out with him.
Anyways, new year,new chapter!!

Happy new year everyone.

-author shoko,1 January,Sunday,2023,10.22am


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