Chelsea XXXI

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Jordyn wasn't kidding when she said she'd be out in no time.

She was up and about after a week of physio. So, not only will she be home for Christmas, but we'll be able to go Christmas shopping together. And I could not be more thrilled.

We're now living in her parent's home since they're off work and they worry too much about Jordyn. And besides, we love spending time with them every other week or so.

Myself and Jordyn went back to the apartment and cleaned up, then we packed a few bags and came straight here.

It is currently December 14th and it is a chilly Saturday. Myself, Jordyn, Jaydyn and Fender are Christmas shopping at the mall. We decided to do our siblings and parents first, turns out, Fender is an only child, so that'll make her life easier.

I wondered if I wanted to get my dad anything. I still can't forgive him, and mom still seems pretty broken. I got her a very nice cardigan, she has a hobby for collecting them so I knew she'd like that. I got a teddy bear for Lucy and fragrance that smells like me and Jordyn because she told us we smell good. I got Amber these shoes she's been begging for me to get for a while. Jordyn got them some things but she hasn't told me what.

For most of Jordyn and Jaydyn's siblings, we looked in clothes shops and jewellery places because that's what they like. I've noticed that they'll take any chance to dress smart, especially Billie and Danny, everytime I've met them they were wearing a buttton down shirts and dress pants. Jordyn, Ruth and Zoey wear polo shorts a lot and the rest are quite casual. Oh, and I bought Raphie a little figurine of a dog playing the drums, it's very cute and reminded me of her.

Once that was sorted, Jordyn and Jaydyn disappeared. And I have no idea where they went.

I've been experiencing some separation anxiety with Jordyn and rightfully so. But Fender is quick to step in.

"Relax. If anything happens, they'll call. They're just having some sibling quality time."

I nod my head and take a few breaths.

She's fine.

That's my mantra for today.

"What do we do?" I ask.

"Shop for them. Duh." she rolls her eyes playfully.

I smile at the idea. I'm gonna spoil Jordyn. I know she likes soft things, things that smell nice, anything that is to do with music and things that make funny noises.

So I find as many items that fit those categories as I can. I got her an assortment of onsesies, blankets and snuggies. I got her some nice smelling candles, body spray and perfume that I think she'll like. And then I went into the music store and got her some picks and odd instruments for her to play like the Kashakas, castanets and a funny little Otamatone. I also got her some of her favourite bands' merchandise like t-shirts, hats and stickers. That covers music and things that make funny noises.

As for Jaydyn, I was told she likes neon themed things so I got her a neon light sign that says, 'We Should Hang Something Cool Here', I just thought it'd be something she'd say, and a neon lightsaber from the Disney Store.

I purposely lost Fender so I can get her some gifts as well. There's a customs t-shirt designer here in the mall so I go there.

I design her a normal looking Fender merchandise shirt but below in brackets it says, 'That's me!'. I think it's hilarious. I also buy her some beanie hats because I know she likes those and a few flannel shirts. She's wearing both items right now actually.

Not long after, we are joined by the twins again and we all get coffee before we go back home. And by home I mean their parents' house, but it's still home because I'll be with Jordyn.

I wrap everybody else's presents with Jordyn in her room, on the floor, before I demand her that she get out.

"Why?" she whined.

"Because I said so." I order.

"But Chelsea-"

"Nope. Out."

"Fine. But only because I love you." she says, pointing her finger at me.

"I love you, too." I smile as she kisses my forehead on her way out.

I now wrap my presents for her and tell her that she can come back in. When she does, she tells me to get out, so I do with no arguements but I take all of the presents to put them under the tree.

Once I've done that, I sit on the couch and look down at my white ring that she gave me all those months ago. I smile as I twist it around my middle finger, thinking about my Jordyn. I think about how lucky I am to have her and I wonder if anyone else has had the chance to be with her. And if they were, why did they let her go?

I was so out of it that I hadn't realised that she, the goddess herself, had sat down next to me.

"You look happy." she tells me.

"I am. I really am." I smile at her. She leans into me and kisses my forehead before pulling me in to a cuddle.

"That's good. I love it when you're happy."

"Jordyn, can I ask you something?"


"Has anybody else been interested in you before me? Or even during our relationship?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah. In high school, throughout my last three years, there was this group of freshmen and sophomores, every year it was always sophomores and freshmen, who would follow me around and practically have an orgasm everytime I walked past." she explain. The thought made me giggle.

"And there were the odd few in high school senior year who had the balls to ask me out to prom or on dates. I said no and they all asked me if I'm going to be single forever, but they just didn't feel like they were the one, you know?" she continued.

"So, I'm your first ever girlfriend?" I question.

"You're my first everything. My first crush, my first kiss, my first girlfriend, my first love. And I think there's other things that you'll be my first in as well."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" I tease.

She leans down to whisper in my ear, "My first orgasm."

I blush immediately upon hearing this. She chuckles and kisses my cheek.

"But there's still time for that, darling. Don't you worry."

We sit in a thoughtful silence for a minute.

"What about you? Anybody ask you out or obviously like you before me? I mean, I wouldn't blame them. You're absolutely gorgeous and amazing."

"Um. Thank you. I had a few boys in high school ask me out. I said no because I was as straight as a rainbow. There were a few girls who stared at me with their jaws hanging, but other than that, no. That makes you my first everything as well. Including the last one, one day." I laugh. She does too. I like the sound of that laugh.

It wasn't long before everyone came into the living room and we all watched Christmas movies together. It felt nice, having this family of Jordyn's. I'd love to spend Christmas with them this year. They just bring me this happiness and fullness that, dare I say it? Even my own family doesn't bring me. I just want to feel whole and loved.

And with Jordyn, that seems possible.

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