Chapter 10

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-3D POV-

The day has come. The day of their graduation and everyone were getting ready for the party. Most of the people were already at the school entrance waiting for their ride while Y/N and Braum were walking there. Y/N was wearing his suit back from the Valentines day while Braum was wearing the suit Navi bought.

 Y/N was wearing his suit back from the Valentines day while Braum was wearing the suit Navi bought

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Soon enough they walked over to the Principal and when most people saw Braum they were intimidated. Although there were a few League players from the basketball team and they were shocked to see Braum but they kept quiet remembering the oath they took.

Y/N: Sir here's our driver.

Yaga: Good, please head to the parking lot. The others will explain everything to you.

Braum nodded and left, thankfully Y/N told him the layout of the school on their way here.

Yaga: Now Y/N I have a question for you.

Y/N: Yes?

Yaga: Please tell me some dating advices. Considering how hard you scored on the valentines I need to know how you did that.

Y/N: Well alright then.

With that Y/N gave him a few dating advices. After a few minutes 4 limousines came over and stopped in front of the school. The principal directed which classes to go to which limousine. 2 classes into each and there were 4 of them. After everyone got in, with Y/N being in the second one, they drove off with the other 3 following the first one. Inside there were no one, except Mifuyu, Y/N could talk to as the students from the basketball team were in other classes. After a few minutes Mifuyu, who were sitting next to Y/N, looked at him and spoke.

Mifuyu: So do you have any plans what you're going to do after this?

Y/N: Probably go visit my grandma and find a job. I have a few places in mind which I worked at on the summer breaks.

Mifuyu: Oh I see.

Y/N: What about you?

Mifuyu: I'll go back to Japan. Dad wants to teach me how to manage finances so I can take over after he retires.

Y/N: Cool. Also nice kimono.

Mifuyu: Thank you. It was my grandmother's.

They made a small talk for a bit but it was cut short when the limousines sharply stopped. Y/N being the one sitting next to the window to the driver asked the important question.

Y/N: Why such a stop?

Driver: There's some bloody vegan activists blocking the road. Plus considering how far we are from the city the polite will get here not soon.

Y/N: Hmm, I'll deal with them.

He stood up and exited the limousines and motioned Braum, who was driving the third one, to follow him. Braum got out of the car and both of them walked over to the front where they saw Yaga and a few other angry people screaming at the activists and trying to get them off the road.

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