Farah's death (part 1)

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"Rosalind killed her."

Those words rang around your head. They kept playing on repeat.

'Rosalind killed her, in the graveyard last year'

You were numb.

'Rosalind killed her.'

You didn't feel anything.

'Rosalind killed her.'

You watched as everyone grieved for her.

But you couldn't even shed a tear.

You didn't know if you could even feel anything anymore.

'Rosalind killed her.'

She wouldn't see you graduate from Alfea.

She wouldn't be there for any formals.

She wouldn't be there when you got married.

She wouldn't be there for any of it.

Because she was gone.

'Rosalind killed her.'

Everyone watched as you walked to the restrooms; not a single tear on your face.

You couldn't feel anymore; not without her.

Where were you going to go?

How would you live?


You lived with Saul now. Sky was always bouncing around with happiness because of Bloom. You guessed it was happiness; you'd forgotten what it felt like.

You buried herself in schoolwork; taking any extra credit opportunities, anything that would keep you busy. Anything that would keep your mind off of it.

They were all worried. They saw your eyes go from radiating love and happiness to dull and lifeless in what felt like three seconds. One blink and they were suddenly cloudy. One blink and they were gray.

They knew what bottling up could do to a person; the ever-lasting effects. They were waiting for you to explode; to let everything out so unexpectedly.

But it never happened.

You were a new person; completely different. Your grades improved--even though they were already quite high. That seemed to be just about the only positive thing that came out of this whole situation.

The bags under your eyes grew larger by the day.

You haven't slept. You can't. You would lay in bed at night, only to stare blankly at the boring ceiling. Every time you closed your eyes, you only saw hers staring right back at you. If you weren't lying in bed, you were up researching the wildest of things for someone your age; could be quantum physics one-day anatomy the next. Anything to keep you busy.

It was rare that you spoke. You only answered yes or no questions and even then your response was mumbled. They tried to talk to you about your hobbies and interests, but you didn't like those things anymore. The only hobby you had was studying.

No one liked seeing you like this. They missed when you would run up to them and ramble about your day at school or a tv show you watched. They missed when you made stupid, corny, dad jokes that always made everyone laugh. They missed your smile and the life that shined in your eyes.

Saul missed teaching you how to fight.

Terra missed sharing plant facts with you.

Ben missed sharing stories with you.

Stella missed one of the only people who could make her crack a smile.

Musa missed her spa day buddy.

They missed you.

Yet, you were so close they could reach out and touch you.

Would they ever get you back?

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