Pocky night

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it was a normal day in Lobotomy Corporation like any other.... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOOORING It's just GIRLS KISSING GIRLS and BOYS KISSING BOYS. Ayin (owns corporation and is the boss of the corporation btw I headcanoning him as cishet and homophobic I was really inspuird by Evilmario666's storeis of their past life so I am epaying homage 2 that HOEP U LIKE ITT frnakly I think it's pretty canon teehe!!!!! ^.^) Was SICK OF It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He DEMAMNDED a meeting THIS INSTANT AND STAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "SEND THE YAOIS MY WAY..... IMMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" barked Ayin at Angela and his Yaoi hostage slave, Benjamin. AMD THEY BOTH WOENT ( O_O)ゞ⌒☆ like this ( O_O)ゞ⌒☆ except like Benjami was like this bc he'  homosexual and loves men ( ♡_♡)ゞ⌒☆ (CRrushes amirigte????? SOO relatable pooor gay Benjamin Ayin is homophboic XD) and all the Emploeeys of the Corporation entered.... Hastune Miku (the owner of Porject Moon and Microsoft and Capcom and Platinumgames and Atlus and Nintendo and Sega and lead Singer of the band Ghost and owner of the planet called Earth and also ex Dergun Town employee) and Luka and Rin and V Flower and Kaito and chesed and Yesod and Netzach and Hod and and Malkuth and Binah and Geburah and Ron and Poiyo and Sasara Nurude and TSUMUGI FROM ENSEMBLE STARS and Wataru Hibiki from Puyo Ensemble Tetris Stars at Freddy's, and Joshua Kiryu from Listen up, Phones! The World Ends With You™, ©2007 Square Enix All Rights Reserved and soo manY OTHERS!!!!!!!!! FULLL WORKPALCE TODAYY WTF. INCLDING THE MAIN CAST RON AND POIYO!!!!!!!!!!! Even Ayyy yo was shockeed he was liEK O_O AHHHHHHH I'M SURROUNDED BY GAY AND TRANS PEOPLE I'M ENDANGERED THNE AYAIN realiszed OMG I'M IN A MEETING ACT NATURAL!!!!!! SO he stimmed his hand (WTF!! AYIN stimmies???????? oK you do u bro) ahnd he told to him self "OK sTAY CALM STAYU CALM STAY CALM the gay peiple can't hurt me thye work for me stay calm act calm act natural the scary LGBTQ community wont' get you if you just STAY CALM.." Adn then Ayin Spinned back his chair facing all the employees's way with a cynical expreesion like this..... B| (HE LOOKS SO COOL AND EVIL!!!!! >////<) (what an ideall male specimen hummina hummina he riminds me of my grand,.,ma...) And he stroked his 5 o clokc shadow and stubble... "Now then.... B| Who here is a homosexual..." The audience wnet radio silent... excpet for Benjamin and he raised his HAnd SOOO EXCITIEDLY (awwww so cute and gay) "ME SIR AYAIN!!!!!! >W< x3 I WUUV YOUUU HUBBY MY POOKIE" And then ayain ZAPPED HIM TO TDEATH WITH HIS LASER EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "NOT YOUU YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOWWW ALREADY STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ayin GROWLED and ROARED. He lasammed his fist on his tble and the Cactus that was there TOITALLY RUMBLED AS well as any other objects near by.. (WOAH HE IS FUROIUS!!!!!!!!) and it went THUNK SOOOOOO LOUD itechoid theough the corridors.. THE AUDIENCE ALMOST BLEW AWAYYY WTF!!!!!!!!!!! AND HE SHOUTED "ANSEWRE IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And eveyrone raised their hands excpet V FLower... Ayin SNARLED and glared V Flower's way rubbing his stubble and 5 o clock shadow some more. "And what's YOUR excuse, snowflake...?" >_> Andd V flower said meekly "I'm nonbinary flower can I go" AND AYIN WENT SQUUUEEEEEEEEE >w< AND CLASPED HIS AJDNS TOGETHER and SMiled :)) like that he wrent :)) And he siaid "OMG YES NONBINARY FLOWER You are ECUSED!!!!!!!! Free 2 goooo SQUEEEEEEEEE >WWW< SO KAWAII I love transgenders" (Wow Ayin sure is a bad guy.. but at least he's not a villain! Way to go Ayin nice guys finish last!!!!!) Ayin Then nTwirled his gun around woith his pointer finger kinda liek what Iney Miney does with her hat in Acegender Attoreneys "Anyone else...?" He seaid SCARILY AND THREATENING with a girm tone.... Despair agony sadneness filled the air (I would be sad and in pain too if I was in the same ROom asj Ayin xP) BUT O_)OO THERE WAS ONE PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE THE VFUCK DID HIS GUN GO?!!?!?!?!? Ayin noticed this PECULIAR FRIVOLOTY AND SLAMMED HIS DESCK. "WHERE DID YE LANDLUBBERS PUT ME MUSKET?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ayin HUFFED AND PUFRFED with his face BURSTING RED AND STEAM COMIGN OUT OF HIS EARS!!!!! "I'M PISSED OFF I CAN'T FIND MY FUCKING MUSKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Suddnetly............ ayin felt a tap on his shoudlers.... AND ITWAS NONE OTHER THAN THE BIGSHOT (Bogshit LOL!!!) NEWGUY EMPLOYEE MADDATSUPOIYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O___O WTFFF?f?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? ANDF HE POINTED THE MUSKET DIRECTLY INTO AYIN'S NOGGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poiyo grinned SADISITICALLY. "Goodbye Ayin.... .fuufufuffu.... kekekekekee............." I nfact... someothing was OFF AND PECULIOAR and RATHER ODD AND STRANGE about Poiyo........ he Was looking rather flustered to day... in fact.. HE'S RED ALL OVER!!!!!!!!!!! Whjich can only mean.... o_O FIND OTU ON THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!