[Oneshot] Nightmares

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Oh my god a oneshot? No I'm not taking requests for these and I don't plan on writing enough of them for a whole other book. Sorry this is gonna be shit, the only things I've learned how to write are 5 paragraph essays, not mildly emotional oneshots.

Characters: Leo, Raven
Ships: no, only platonic
AU: Agere Leo
Warnings: implied trauma?????


Raven POV woo

I opened my eyes after hearing a soft, muffled voice. I look towards the entrance to my room to see Leo standing in the doorway, tightly hugging a stuffed lion. I couldn't tell if his voice was muffled because the stuffed animal was covering his mouth or because he had a pacifier. I could tell, though, that he was crying, but I couldn't hear him.

"Come here, Butterfly," I motioned to him, knowing he might not have processed my words. He walked slowly over to my bed and sat down beside me. I could see that he was scared and he'd probably had a nightmare. I moved him onto my lap and held him with his head against my chest.

Leo moved the lion away from his face and I noticed that he didn't have his pacifier. I remembered that I'd kept a couple of them in a drawer next to my bed just in case he needed one. I opened the drawer and got one out for him. He was still crying, but seemed to appreciate it, at least. Somehow it hadn't clicked in my head that Leo was regressed until then, but once it did I had a better idea of which method of comforting him would work the best. So I started just talking to him.

"Did you have a nightmare, Butterfly?"
Leo only nodded and stared at me. He flinched when I stroked his hair, and it clicked what his nightmare had been before I even thought to ask him.

0% POV lmao

"You're safe here, he can't hurt you anymore." 'He' in this context was Leo's father, Augustus, the most self righteous asshat Raven had ever met. He didn't seem to care about anyone or the consequences of hurting them, including his own family. Raven wanted to kill Augustus, especially after he'd watched him corner Leo and call him some of the worst things you could call your own son. Augustus had also been said to be physically abusive. That piece of shit will see true consequences when he's burning in hell alone.

Leo was looking around nervously, and Raven repeatedly reassured him that he was safe and Raven would protect him. When Leo was finally starting to calm down, Raven sang to him. This seemed to help a lot more, as it wasn't long before Leo had fallen asleep. Raven laid Leo on the bed and took his place beside him, hugging him tightly, himself falling asleep soon after.


A/N fuck you Augustus I hope you die alone asshole.

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