Chapter Five

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Jennie enjoyed getting shit done. The number of items on her to-do list had started at thirty-five in the morning, and now only contained seven tasks. Browsing the list, she picked the most pressing matter left and got to work. Thankfully, typing updates for her client and her team didn't require talking to anyone, which she'd done for most of the day. The silence felt

Only a moment later, murmurs outside her open office door broke the silence, and Kate let out an uncharacteristically loud laugh. Jennie grated her teeth at the interruption as her best friend, Bella, sauntered into the room and claimed a chair in front of Jennie's desk.

"Hey, stranger."

"Sure, have a seat, Bella."

Bella grinned. "Don't mind if I do."

"What are you doing here?"

"Wow. Such a wonderful greeting. I'm great, thanks. How are you?"

Jen gestured to the papers strewn across her desk. "Busy. Now, what are you doing here?"

"I had a meeting with a client down the street and thought I'd stop by. And to tell you you're coming out with me tonight."



Jennie pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm sorry, but I can't. Look at all this. We just fully secured a new client and I'm neck deep in everything to get their campaign off the ground. I don't have time."

"You know what they say about all work and no play. So come on out and play. When's the last time you did? I'm sure there will be plenty of hotties at the bar. We can find you someone nice who might help get rid of your perpetual scowl."

"Since when do me and nice go together?"

"Fair point. But come on, it's been so long since we've let loose a bit. We're due."

"I get it, Bell. But I can't tonight. Maybe another time."

Bella sighed, stood, and rested her hands on Jennie's desk. "Stop letting work run your life."

"It's not running my life. I happen to like my job."

"You like succeeding at your job."

"Whatever," Jennie mumbled.

"Instead of going out, just come over for a glass of wine on Friday. That better?"

"Sure," Jennie replied, her focus on a schedule from her design department.

"Did you even hear what I asked?"

"Yes. Wine. Friday. I got it."

Bella sighed again. "See you then."

"Uh-huh." Bella left, and Jennie heard another round of laughter coming from her assistant. Glaring at her doorway, her murderous thoughts were put on hold when her cell phone rang. "Jesus. What now?" She pressed the Accept button with a little more force than necessary. "Jennie Kim."

"Hi, Ms. Kim. This is Lia from the JKLM Group. I was calling to see if you'd be available for your next meeting on Monday at four."

Jennie pulled up her calendar on her computer. She had a meeting at two that afternoon, but it should be over in plenty of time for her to get over to JKLM's office. "Yes, that's fine."

"Great, thank you. Any questions?"

"No." Jennie ended the call and tossed her phone on the stack of papers next to her. She pulled up her calendar and blocked off time for the meeting on Monday. She looked at her to-do list and then at her watch. Only six thirty. Plenty of time to knock out the rest of the list and reward herself with some takeout on her way home.

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