❤️The best birthday ever!!

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY N/N!!" your mother yelled as she barged into your room with a big cake. 'wth' you think has you look up to see your mother. "Shhhh it's soo early what are you doing?" You said groggily " It's your birthday so I wanted to give you a cake and give you your big surprise early!"

'the only thing I want for my birthday is to see suki (bakugo's nickname you gave him) again'"Before I give you your presents I want you to blow out the candles on the cake!" "Mom aren't I too old to be blowing candles out on a cake?" *Sitting up and rolling your eyes* "nonsense! Your never to old to blow out candles!"

*She puts the cake close to your face* "Go on blow them!" "Finee" *you blow out the candles and make a wish* 'i really want to see suki again.. ugh I make the same with every year maybe I should just stop..' "NOW! time for your big surprise!" " It's probably some lame bottle of lotion again..' "here!" She says handing you a folded letter 'what? This is even worse than last year'

" You remember when you applied to UA ,N/N?" "Yeah but they never got back to me.." *you unfold the paper and something falls out* as you read it's says 'To Y/N you have been accepted to UA! We cannot wait you see you this next semester! Sight by all might' "wait.. does that mean?.." " YUP WE ARE MOVING BACK TO JAPAN!" * You start getting teary eyed and you start to cry* "hey.. what's wrong N/N?.."

"I'm just so happy.. when are we leaving?" "well the semester starts in 3weeks sooo in 2 weeks!" "WAIT WE NEED TO GET PACKING" "calm down N/N you have 2 weeks" "I know I'm just so excited!" You get up and go to the bathroom to wash your face. *Turns on water and washes face*

'Wow... It's been so long since I've seen suki almost 10 years.. what if he doesn't remember me? What if he hates me for leaving? Well I had no choice.. AFO was after me so I had to leave..' As you finish up you mom calls up to you "Hurry up we need to stop by the market before we see your friends!" "I'm coming!" you throw on your go-to outfit and run out the door to meet your mom in the car.

"Sorry I took so long I was just thinking" you said as you got in the car "it's alright N/N let's go to the market and then go see your friends yeah?" "Yeah! Let's go!" You spend the rest of the day with your friends and your mom at the mall buying clothes, eating food and, smelling perfumes. When you got home you were exhausted.

As you opened the door you found something on your bed. 'wth is that?' "Mom! Did you get me another present?" She didn't answer. You go downstairs to see her fast asleep on the couch. You cover her up with a blanket 'thanks mom for the best birthday' " I love you mom" you said walking away. "I love you too N/N" Your mom said as you walked away. You smiled as you went upstairs.

You looked at the box on your bed in confusion. You put it on your desk and sat down. As you opened the box your eye started to get watery. There was a necklace and a letter in the box. The necklace was a deep red. It was so hypnotizing. You then looked at the letter. As you picked it up you felt something inside it.

'Wtf is in it?' You opened the letter and it read: "Hey N/N it's been a while.. I really hope you remember me. I just found out your also going to UA. I really can wait to see you again or whatever.. you better remember me or I'll blow you to bits. We'll catch up in about 3 weeks so catch ya later loser. Sighed Katsuki Bakugo aka suki.

'What?.. He.. remembered me?..' your eyes start you tear up. You looked at the necklace. 'He remembers my favorite color..' You then look back at the envelope the letter came in and you say something in it. You picked it up and opened it. You start to cry once you see what it is. 'Its a hairpin.. the hairpin I gave him the day I left..' you start crying as you put the hairpin on.

'i forgot how beautiful it was.. I can't wait to see you again suki.." You then get up and out the hairpin on your desk in a safe place. You head to the bathroom to wash your face and get ready for bed but you stop in your tracks. 'i just remembered mom is on the couch I should probably get you up and put her in her bed. You go downstairs and touch you mom and you teleport her to her bed.

As you walk out her bedroom she says "did you like the gift from Bakugo?" 'she knew about that?' "yeah mom I loved it I'll talk to you in the morning I love you goodnight." You say as you walk out of her bedroom. You then go to the bathroom and wash you face and gets ready for bed. Once you get in your bed you check your phone one last time before you dose off. Nothing. So you put it down and you go to sleep.

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