❤️First Day Back

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Fast-forward 2 weeks you are just stepping off the plane you took to get to Japan. As you step off you feel a cold gust of wind and you smell all the food in the airport. You wait for your mom to get off the plane because you got off first because you were so excited not thinking about your mom at that moment.

She gets off and starts walking towards you you see someone running towards her and it looks like they are running from the police. "MOM WATCH OUT!" You scream as you start running towards her. You teleport behind her and touch the criminal's shoulder and you teleport him to the police men.

"Here's the guy your men were chasing." You said sassily to the chief of the police. "Who the hell are you!?" The chief said as he pulled out his stun gun. 'Whoa is this guy crazy I just helped him' "Calm down sir I just caught the guy your men was chasing." "I'm sorry I'm just really paranoid.." the chief said scared. "It's alright just make sure this guy gets what he deserves. Yeah?" "Yeah. Thanks kid."

You wave at him as you walk off and you start running towards your mom that's in tears because she doesn't know where you went. When you get there she was on her knees crying. You run up to her "What's wrong are you hurt?" "Oh Y/N! You're okay! I thought you got hurt." "I'm alright mom but are you?" You said concerned. "I am just fine thanks to you." She says as you help her up.

"Thank goodness I thought you were hurt." "Where did you teleport that villain to?" You mom asked in concern. "I took him to the police chief so he'll get what he deserves." You said proud of yourself. "Well I'm proud of you N/N." 'wow, as soon was we get into Japan my mom gets attacked.. this might really suck'

You and you mother get up and get your luggage back and start heading to get a taxi. "Hey mom?" "Yes N/N?" "How did you know about the gift the suki gave me on my birthday?" "Lest just say I had a hunch." She said with a smirk 'a hunch huh? Liar but whatever'

Your mother calls a taxi and you guys head to your new apartment. After a long drive you finally arrived at the apartment building. "So which one is it?" You asked your mom. "It is.." she says as she looks for her keys in her bag "ah! It is 408!" 'ugh the 4th floor' you guys head up to your new apartment and when you walk in you were caught by surprise.

It was beautiful. It was a 2 bed and 2 bath apartment with a beautiful view. You run to your new room and call out to your mom "I want this one!" "Alright N/N!" As you unpack your things you see the necklace and hairpin suki sent to you. 'i can't wait to see you suki..' You we're on you phone all night long untill you finally dosed off into a deep sleep.

You were standing behind suki and you call out to him "SUKI!? IS THAT YOU!?" No answer you run to him and you step in from of him and you look at his face.. there was nothing there.. 'wtf is happening..' he then grabs you and tried to pick you up. He is now at the edge of a building. "SUKI WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? PUT ME DOWN!" He sets to down on the edge and grabs your hands "suki?.." He then let's go of you hands and pushes you.

You falling and screaming untill everything go black and you shoot up in your bed. 'Holy shit.. it was just a dream calm down..' You get up and walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water. You got a glass of water and you head back to your room until you pass your mom's room. You peek in and see her sleeping peacefully. 'I love you mom and I'm glad you're alright.

You get to your room and open the door. The door was so loud that's one thing you really didn't like about the house. You close the door and sit on your bed. You get your phone of the bedside table and look at the time "It's 4 in the morning? Really?" You said quietly. You sip on your water as you scroll on Twitter and you see a picture of a red haired boy with a blond boy that looked a lot like suki. There was a @ in the caption.

It said: My best bro! @katsukibakugo You press the @ in the caption and it took you to a profile of someone that looked really familiar. 'he kinda looks like suki. Should I follow him? I think I will.' You follow this person that looked like you childhood friend suki hoping it was him. You put your phone on your bedside table and went back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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