random thing I kinda wanna talk abt

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okay so I rlly like tmf (obviously) and a silent voice, and I was like "hey what if I combined these two things." and so I kinda wanna start writing smth abt it but my writing skills are actually so shitty it's sad! But yeah

if you're curious, here's what characters would be who 😱😱

Shouko - Hailey

Shoya - Jake

Yuzuru- Zander (kinda obvious cuz Hailey & Zander are siblings lmfao.)

Naoka - Zoey

Miki - prolly some random ass side character in tmf cuz I can't bring myself to make Lia be Miki 😕😕

Miyoko - Lia

Kazuki - one of Jake's middle school bullies ig 🤷🤷

Tomohiro - Sean

Yaeko - Shannon

Toshi - Drew(??)

Maria- either Bethany or Milo

Miyako - Jake's mom who has been suspiciously absent for the entirety of the tmf series

that's all I think, I know I wrote this terribly, I'm sorry for spelling errors but it's not like this is an actual chapter! (Another chapter will probably come out soon, depending on my motivation to write lmao.)

Also help, why do a chunk of a silent voice characters names start with m 😨😨

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