Chapter 10

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Chanyeol's POV

@ Island

Finally we arrived on Love Island. I don't know why everything here are Love and couple. Do you notice that? Love Maker, Couple T-shirt and now is Love Island

All couples sat by tiring. Staff said alot of bored thing but no one care about it

" Okay now all couple please help each other preparing tent. And for men please help finding firewood too " This is the last thing that staff said.

Channa and Soohae just sat as they didn't hear anything. Because I don't want to have any fight right now. So I and Sehun went to preparing tent silently

After finished preparing tent we went back to ladies seat

" Hey ladies tent is already prepared " I said to them politely

" Thanks Gentle men " Soohae said and smiled at us

" Gentle gays " Channa didn't say thank you but she said we're GAYS!!!!

" Mwo??! " I asked

" Nothing " She said and rised her shoulder a bit

" Hey don't argue with her. Let's find firewood " Sehun said while stood in the middle of me and Channa

" Okay... " I said cause I don't want to have a fight too. So tired to argue with her. I and Sehun went to find the firewood

" Hey wait! I'll go with you " Channa said when we started to go. I looked at her and asked

" Why do you want to go? It's not fun "

" I wanna walk " Channa said

" So I'll stay here with Soohae. Both of you should go " Sehun said and took a seat near Soohae. How can you do like that??

" Go and help them " Soohae said and looked at him

" They're couple. We shouldn't disturb them " He grinned

" Hun... " I shuffled my tone

" Hasha... Channa... " Soohae shuffled her tone too. They're a great couple

" Okay both of you stay here and grow the affection hasha " Channa said and laugh

I and Channa went to find firewood. I called her while collected the wood

" Hey Channa! "

" What? "

" You should hold some woods. Don't be just stand and watch like this. Don't you have heart? " I blamed her cause she didn't help me with these woods

" I come here to walk, not come to hold the woods " she said and looked away

" Gee... So you shouldn't come here "

" Okay I'll hold it " She step beside me. I put the woods on her hands but suddenly she exclaimed and threw the woods away

" Ahhhhh!!! Worm!! " She screamed

" Huh? Where? I didn't see it "

" On that wood " She poitned to the woods she just threw away. I walked to see it

" Nothing. It just the leaf "

" No!! It's really worm "

I smiled and caught that worm then put it in my hand and going to scare her

" Is it this?? " I put it on her hand

" Ahh go away!! " She sweeped her hand hardly then cried. I just laugh

" Hasha cry cause afraid of worm "

" You're jerk!! T_T " She glared me

" Don't be angry. I'm just kidding "

Channa didn't listen to me and walked back to tent alone. I grinned while collecting firewood then I followed her to tent

" Hyung! What are you doing to her? " Sehun asked when he saw Channa comes back with tear in her eyes

" Heam " Soohae cleared her throat " You made she cry "

" Hasha afraid worm. Channa afraid worm " I said and laught

" Do you scare her? " Soohae asked

" Hasha!! " Sehun laught. Anything wrong??

A/N : Hi reader * wave * I hope you like this Chapter. This chapter full of Chanyeol and Channa part. I'll put some part of Sehun and Soohae on the next Chapter

By the way sorry for the mistake and thank for reading^^



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