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The king sat at his desk, running his fingers through his blond hair, waiting. Waiting for someone very important to him to be specific. He stared at the door restlessly, continuously shifting in his seat, itching to see his old friend.

It was the first time Viktor had returned to Weisburg Palace in a whole year. Everyone is meant to see him in the morning, but..they made a promise.

All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. Viktor's leg began to bounce up and down impatiently before he spoke the words, "You may enter."

He was prepared to stand up, but just in case, he made sure to stay put.

The door opened and a short, light pink-peach haired male entered the room. He may look like a child, but he was definitely a fully grown adult.

"Heine." The king called with a smile.

"Viktor." He responded.

The royal noticed there was something bottle shaped in the shorter one's hand.

"What is that, Heine?" He wondered while slightly pointing to the object.

"Oh, this? Wine. Our favorite." The short man showed the king the tall bottle of their favorite wine. The latter stood up and brushed himself off.

"Before that, I would like to mention.." Viktor began, but paused to clear his throat. Heine sat down in a chair in front of his desk. He looked up at his highness with beautiful amber eyes. "The fact that you remembered our other promise."

"Of course. It was only fair." Viktor smiled at him, satisfied with the reply. "I could never forget the fact that I had to come immediately after I knew you were back."

"Heh..you've always had such a good memory, Heine." The king chuckled.

"I'm fully aware." He responded with a bored tone. This was implying that he was waiting for something. The king noticed his gaze, which was slowly travelling to the floor.

Viktor walked up to him, eventually standing over him. The pink haired male looked up into Viktor's brilliant blue eyes. He began moving a hand up toward his face, even though he couldn't reach.

The king avoided Heine's hand and placed his own on the tutor's cheek. They both blushed, but wore soft smiles.

Their lips slowly connected to make a kiss that showed they were overjoyed at being together again. They stayed like that for a moment before their lips finally parted, leaving them both disappointed in being drawn apart. They wished they could stay like that forever after not seeing each other for the longest time.

"That felt..nice, Viktor." Heine complimented, averting his eyes and losing his smile. "It's been a while since I've felt that."

"I feel the same way, dear." The king agreed.

"Queen Titania knows about us, right?" The professor sounded a bit worried about what Viktor's wife would think about them.

"Not entirely. She knows I love someone else, just not who." He explained. "You know we only married for the sake of the kingdom though.." Heine looked slightly annoyed by his reply. This concerned the royal. "My dear, Heine. Are you alright?" The Warrior King asked.

"Of course..it just..feels like it would be taken as infidelity."

"If she's allowing this, then I'd assume it's fine, Heine. Don't be so paranoid!"


Viktor didn't know what to do so he grabbed Heine's wrist, pulled him as close as possible, and spun around.

He pushed the blushing tutor against the wall and leaned down a bit so he matched eye levels with his lover.

"Vik-" Heine was cut off by the king's lips touching his own. The kiss was passionate, but fast. The pink haired male didn't want it to stop, but felt like he may make the king feel uncomfortable if ended up pulling him back.

"We're reuniting, Heine.." Viktor stated the obvious. "Can it just be about us for once?"

Screw it. Heine told himself in his mind. He grabbed the collar of Viktor's shirt and pulled him back, their soft lips crashing together. The kiss felt like it lasted forever. Viktor kept smiling, which made Heine feel happy, yet annoyed. It was like he was ruining the moment. He decided to ruin it more by breaking the contact.

"If you keep smiling like that, then I will leave." He sounded pissed, but the king didn't care.

"You're so small it would be easy to just pick you up and keep you here against your will, Heine."

"That's called a hostage, Viktor."

"Then that's what you are." He muttered, taking a breath, then slowly leaning towards the tutor's face again.

Heine stopped him by covering his mouth. This shocked Viktor.

"I think that is quite enough, your majesty." He teased. "I don't think I can take anymore of this nonsense."

The king's eyes turned sad and were now clouded by guilt and sorrow.

"Nonsense?" He breathed out, making it almost impossible to hear his voice.

"What if someone hears us?" Heine made a fair point. He slipped out of Viktor's weak grasp.
The blond began to stutter with his words.

"They- They'll think it's-! We're hangin' out!"
The professor gave him a questioning glance.

"Hanging out?" He asked. "A king and a mere tutor, who is in fact a commoner, are 'hanging out'? That's the best excuse you can come up with? What about your sons and daughter?" Viktor looked away.

"Well, everyone aside from Eins have seemed to have taken quite a liking to you. Only because Eins isn't taught by you, of course.." He explained.

"We can't risk it, Viktor." Heine interrupted.
This started a doubt in the king's mind.

"Heine.." He said, his voice cracked, making it sound like he was about to cry. This time it would be real, genuine tears of sorrow. "Do you..not want to have a relationship? Don't you love me the way I love you?" His voice hitched when he asked these questions.

Heine turned. He looked horrified by his accusations. Tears were actually streaming down Viktor's face already. He hadn't even gotten a response, but just thinking about it hurt him.

"Viktor.." The peach haired male whispered. He couldn't believe his love had actually just asked such a thing.

He ran up to Viktor and stood on the chair, cupping his face in his hands and wiping the tears away. Heine started to feel his eyes water himself.

"I do love you!" He shouted at the king. "I can't believe you! I care for you more than anything in the world and I would hate to lose you again..I just find it to be too much of a risk."

They pressed their foreheads together and stood in silence for quite a long time.

Heine could still feel his lover's warm tears hit his hands. He had no idea how to handle the situation. It was rare for Viktor to cry, so he never really had to deal with such an event.

What a pain.. He smiled internally. He gave the king a kiss on the forehead, hoping it would make him feel better.

"This is the last thing I can offer you, Viktor. I wish it would last an eternity, but we should part ways now." Heine finished his sentence and gave the crying Viktor a second long peck on the lips before leaving.

The king just stood where he was the whole time. He was shocked, angry, upset, lonely. Most of all he felt like a failure. He failed to love. He failed to respect his lover's wishes. He failed to take in all the risks that could come into play. He could be endangering his family if the word got out that he was dating a commoner, let alone a male royal tutor.

He looked at his desk. He spotted the bottle of wine. The only thing he could think at that moment was, "drink".

He grabbed the bottle, popped it open, and downed it like it was water after running a marathon. He was definitely going to be sick the next morning. His poor sons will have to see him at his worst..what fun.

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