~ 16 ~

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There may be slightly suggestive scenes in this chapter, but it's nothing too bad. It doesn't get very far. Just wanted to warn you!

Also, sorry for the long wait. This chapter has been done for a while, but I wanted to post today because it's Heine's birthday! I hope you guys enjoy! <3


Everyone had finally headed back to the palace after lots of talking and eating.

After the short interaction between Viktor and Heine, it had been even more awkward between them. They couldn't even look at each other for the rest of the day. The moment they walked into the palace, they went their seperate ways without even sparing a glance in the others' direction.

After Viktor had tried to talk to Heine, he noticed Ernst giving them a few suspicious looks, but he hoped it was something that would blow over and he wouldn't look into it. It wouldn't be good if he found out about their relationship. They could be exposed and the kingdom may not want Viktor as their king anymore.

Pushing away these thoughts, the blond dragged himself to his office, Titania following behind him.

Once he had entered the room, he almost smacked his wife in the face with the door. He had no idea she had been behind him the whole time.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Titania.." He muttered before sitting down and bashing his face into the desk.

"It's alri-" She stopped and just stared at the king in concern. "Are you okay, Vik?"

Viktor hummed in response, nodding at the same time. His hair was spread out in all directions across his desk. His posture was very poor and he was slouched over to reach the workplace. His arms hung at his sides. He didn't look 'okay' at all. Titania knew this.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked in a calm and soothing tone.

"No.." The silky blond mumbled into the wood. Thankfully, it was loud enough to be heard.

The black haired queen felt a bit hurt that he didn't want to talk about his problems with her, but she knew it was best to leave him be and wait for when he did need someone to confide in. She sighed and left the room.

Once Viktor knew she was gone he slumped back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling. He was expressionless, much like a few other people he knew. He didn't know what to feel right now. Guilt? Sadness? Longing? Nothing?

He wanted to understand. He wanted to know that everything was okay. He wanted to know why Heine was avoiding him and if the short man even still trusted him. He just wanted the answers to all his problems.

"What if I just call him in here and ask?" He said aloud. "It's not like he'll say no if he's asked by Kyusuke.."

Even though he wanted to give his lover a choice, he really wanted to talk to him. If he requested that his high steward brought him, then he was sure to join him.

"That settles it." He snapped his fingers. "It's about 5:30 right now, so I'll ask in an hour. I need to get Titania out of here though.."

Viktor tried to think of a plan to keep his wife out of the office and their chambers, but nothing really came to mind. That is, until the woman in question barged into the room.

"Viktor!" She gasped. He looked at her with surprise.

"What is it? Did something happen?" He swiftly stood up in a panic, but just as quickly, he relaxed his body when he saw the smile on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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