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A young girl got bully at the park
She's been crying and crying coz she cant fight but a young boy came.

"Hey stop that,why did you bully her?"-young boy


Then the children run....

"Daijobu desu ka?"(are you ok?)-young boy
*sob sob sob* "hai daijobu desu."(yes, im ok)-young girl

The young boy wiped the tears of the young girl.

"Stop crying." ^_^ -young boy

The young boy help the young girl to stand up.

*bow* "Arigato,(thank you)anoo why you speak in japanese?"-young girl
"Coz i know that you are a japanese and i thought you don't know how to speak in english."-young boy
"But how?"-young girl
"Its obvious and my mom taught me how to speak in japanese." ^_^ -young boy

O///O -young girl

The young boy always there when the young girl always crying and getting bully,he always there to save and protect the young girl.

One day the young boy and the young girl met again in the park.

The young girl give a locket to the young boy.

"Here get this, this thing will be our symbol when the time we meet again someday, I had the key of that locket"-young girl

I promise we will meet again and when the time we reunite i will marry you"- young boy
*nod* "Hai, yakusoku?"(promise?)- young girl
"YAKUSOKU DESU" (I promise)- young boy

...........Then they do the pinky swear............

Hi guys this is my prologue i hope you like it....

Please comment if there is wrong in my grammar and i will fix it

Im sorry i made a english story but i will made again this but i will translate it into tagalog

I hope you like it....please vote

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Our PromiseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon