17. his pov

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my lonely days came to an end when you first appeared in my life.

you were like the gentle breeze amongst the wind, leading me to the right direction

you were the warm sunshine, allowing for me to feel loved no matter how lonely it felt

you were the heavy clouds that eventually rained, hugging me everso tightly

you were more than enough

but i wasn't

i was too flawed

i am nothing but secrets and darkness

misery and waves

why love me when you can love someone else?

i do not deserve you

but i need you.

before i knew it, i was using you.

it was never my intention to use you for my love for you was too complicated.

i wanted to be my best self for you yet i left you all alone

little did i know, you were eventually gone.

you found your steps again.

i am glad.

i will miss you, but it's the best for you.

now, i shall work on myself so history does not ever repeat itself again.

3 years later-

not a day goes by do i not think about you.

"the ocean is fascinating." i claimed, admiring the deep blue colour and the gentle crashes of the waves.

"so mysterious yet so intriguing." the voice i still love alerted my attention, revealing you with a soft smile on your face.

i will not mess up this time.

to love you deeper than the pacific ocean, this is my gamble in life





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