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(Un) Predictable

Rikona couldn't go after Izuku because she didn't know the location he was headed to, but either way, she trusted All Might to get him home safely.

The boy must've been insane to make the decision to latch onto the Number One Hero's leg just as he was about to take off, and to be honest, he probably was.

Rikona continued to walk back to her home like she had before the villain attack had occurred.

Her heart filled with sadness at the thought of what she was returning home to. Her ignorant parents, no doubt.

Rikona was unsure if she should even call it home anymore, for it most certainly didn't feel like it. The rooms felt cold and there was no brightness to it. From what she had read in her books and Izuku's stories about his home life, home was a place of love and belonging, but that description had never fit Rikona's apartment.

Usually, she tried to stay at school for as long as possible after the end of the day to avoid having to return home. Rikona couldn't stand being at the small apartment; being completely ignored by her Pro Hero parents was a constant pain in her life. Most of the times she avoided home she gave excuses like doing her homework in the library or hanging out with friends at the arcade.

Her parents were never usually home due to their busy schedules. One was out on patrol or doing paperwork at their agency while the other slept, preparing for their night shift, and vice versa.

The girl turned the corner of the next street and came face to face with the sign for the Tatooin Shopping District.

Unexpectedly, a thick cloud of smoke had descended upon the buildings.

Rikona could smell burning, but she thought nothing of it; perhaps a hero was showing off their Quirk?

She slowed down, walking past the sign. She listened intently to see if maybe she was missing something. A bad feeling sat heavy on her chest: something was wrong.

She tried to ignore it, taking deep breaths and closing her eyes to forget the weight.

But, hearing a familiar scream, her eyes shot open. That was the scream of Izuku.

Her eyes darted up to look at the sky, checking if All Might was passing with the boy still clinging on to his leg, but the hero was nowhere to be seen.

She heard the screech once more, and realised that it had come from the ground, not the sky.

Her eyes widened as she remembered the smoke that she had seen earlier in that exact area.

Anxiety bubbled in her chest as she activated her Quirk, transferring the Sun's light energy to her own kinetic energy and almost teleporting to a large crowd that had gathered around a particular building.

The scene appeared clearer as she shoved her way towards the front. She gasped at seeing the same villain that had attacked Izuku barely 30 minutes earlier, but what was worse was the fact that the boy himself was rushing towards the villain with the heroes yelling after him.

Time stopped for her. She saw the villain's hand aim at Izuku and her Quirk activated out of anger.

She sped towards the boy and grabbed his shoulder tightly before he could reach the monster and pushed him out of the way, before jumping to the side, herself.

The two were both now laying on the ground in front of the villain as it glared down at them.

Rikona looked at Izuku in worry, but he wasn't looking at her. He hadn't even acknowledged that she had saved him. He was staring at the face of the monster, his eyes wide and pupils dilating, like he had been when she had found him there.

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