Chapter I: saved

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I never really knew my father. All I knew about my father was his name was Negan Smith and he worked as a gym teacher. He used to send me letters but that stopped when the apocalypse happened. As for my mother, I don't know my mother. I never heard from her or who she was. I lived with my grandmother and grandfather, my father's mother and father. I used to call her "Granny Smith" and I called my grandfather "grandpa". It was just how I knew them.

Don't get me wrong I love both my grandparents but they were both very strict and I just wanted to meet and have that father and daughter connection that most of my classmates had with their fathers it just wasn't the same as getting a little.

My grandmother was always trying new and healthy things and she taught me how to tell what plants were healthy for me to eat and what were used for medicine and soaps. My grandfather was the country type. He liked hunting, fishing and living outdoors but he also loved his sweets; it was just the way things were.

So I learned to live outside. I learned how to survive on my own in the wild. I knew how to forage and how to hunt. I knew where the best water sources come from and how to tell clean water from dirty. But there's just some things that the city provides that you can't find out in the wild.

When you're 11 and you're on your own in a world that's crawling with geeks, you tend to stay away from the city. I was well away from the city of Atlanta. I was actually not far from a rock quarry. I was hunting. I had already found a few plants but so far no animals.

That was until I found a squirrel and a snare. I didn't see anybody but I see no tracks whoever it was hadn't made it all over the long gone so figured hey why don't I take it I could use it. That was the wrong idea though if I knew what I knew now I would have never touched that squirrel. It brought me nothing but trouble.

I looked both ways and behind me reached out towards it. I had just touched the tail of the squirrel when I Heard the moons from behind me. I turned around and had my blad in my hand faster than I could say boo. It turned out I didn't really need it because the next thing I knew there was a crossbow sticking out of the geek's head.

When the geek hit the ground that's when I saw him he had a gray vest on and a beautiful crossbow in his hands. " What are you doing out here little girl? Where's your parents?" He asked with a fusion on her face. I stayed silent. I mean I didn't know him so what was I supposed to say my grandparents taught me never to talk to strangers.

" What's your name?" He tried again. I just stared at him then he caught sight of the squirrel behind me. He narrowed his eyes on me and took a step forward and I took a step backwards.

Even though he had just saved my life I wasn't going to trust him."That squirrel's mine" he said as he went to reach for it but I wasn't going to give it up. I wanted the squirrel. So I know it was stupid and childish but I said in the most smart mouth remark I could come up with " I don't see your name on it".

"I'm the one that put the snare there" Mr crossbow dude said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "How can you tell?" I asked him with as much sass as I could muster. I swear if my grandparents were alive they smack me upside the head for the disrespect but hey I'm 11 what do you expect.

"See the knot at the end?" Mr crossbow dude asked I nodded and he answered with "I did that so it's mine" outside I'm just trying. Fine, if he really needed it he could have it. I'll find my own, I thought to myself but I turned my back to him and started to walk. I didn't make it but four feet away when he stopped me again.

"I got a group if you want to come back again we got food supplies protection you're more than welcome" Mr crossbow dude said. I stood there and thought about it for a minute if I went with him, maybe I could find my parents, maybe I would eventually know where I come from but then again it could be the biggest mistake I ever made.

I looked back at him and he didn't look too bad. It kind of reminded me of a younger version of my grandfather so I asked him " what are you doing out here by yourself?" He Answered with "huntin'" "you?" He asked if I sighed and said "same" he nodded and looked around and said "all right let's see what you got" which was the beginning of friendship I think.

"The name lucilia and it's a pleasure to meet you Mr" I said as we started walking he finished for me "Daryl,Daryl Dixon none of this Mr crap please"I with that we started really hunting.

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