Chapter 2: Understanding School Life

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(Y/n) = Your name

(S/c) = Skin color

(H/c) = Hair color

(F/c) = Favorite color

Third Person P.O.V

Ainz's group along with (Y/n) were walking down the street heading toward the location of where the apartment building was at. Their new "home" as they were told. The sun was setting as the sky was now reddish-orange, slowly transitioning to that of the night sky.

(Y/n) found himself walking slightly next to Ainz, but a bit back next to Albedo and Shalltear. It was something that (Y/n) observed when he saw the group together. One does not walk beside Ainz, as they are not his equal. But the group didn't seem to mind him being slightly behind him as Ainz seemed to have taken a liking to this new-found monster in this strange world (Ainz oblivious to this fact).

There was little conversation among the group except for when (Y/n) asked a question about them. Something which the group would be willing to share (which usually revolves around back to speaking about their creators or about Ainz). (Y/n) would also, in turn, answer questions when asked.

Shalltear: "Wait, so that little device around your neck serves as a medium for your magic?" she asked.

Albedo: "Why not simply use magic circles and cast your spells?" she questioned.

(Y/n) chuckled at this. Not at their ignorance, but more at how much they could teach each other. He's been so focused on producing, designing, and theorizing different ways of utilizing magic and science for weapons of war that this was refreshing to him. "Simple" discussions about magic and science with powerful beings from another universe.

(Y/n) lifted his hand up to his Operation Orb and removed it.

(Y/n): "It's a rather complicated history in my world and I'm more than willing to share the tale, but that's a discussion to have in a more suitable location, not walking. So I will tell you a short, condensed version." he stated.

(Y/n): "You all still have things such as staffs that allow for the control of magic?" he asked.

Ainz: "Yes." he stated.

(Y/n): "So did we, long ago. Back then, magic was seen as miracles that only a few people were able to harness. An age of ignorance... though I can argue that we are still in that age. People feared magic, even in my current time in my world, people fear it. Put those who saw potential in it, who wished to understand and learn more about it, sought it out." he began to explain.

(Y/n): "Our history continued on and slowly, we were able to harness magic. Not completely, just a small fragment of it, but it was a start. Soon, kingdoms arose and competed against one another for an edge in the field of magic. As the one who held the most powerful of magics, rules the world." he stated.

This only intrigued the others, especially Demiurge.

(Y/n): "Nations stayed relatively at the same level and knowledge with magic. When one finds a new way of harnessing it which is more efficient, others would quickly follow behind. In my time, my nation has taken the lead in magical research, by a large margin now. This device is half of a whole, but in general, Operation Orbs is the most effective compared to all current methods employed in my world." he revealed.

(Y/n): "This small device is capable of doing what a hundred mages with staffs could do in their prime in the right hands. Being able to process the world's data, spells in standard terms, and convert mana of the user to make it reality. It condenses magic formulas or magic circles, increasing the casting time and overall effect of the spell. This was achieved not by magic alone, but with science. A hybrid of the two arts, beautiful and destructive."

The Devil's... High School? (Isekai Quartet x Male Reader)(Leisure Typing)Where stories live. Discover now