chapter 3

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(all 3 of the poopyfarters are walking through the murk)

"sooooooooo" said penny "what was your name again?"

(rich i mean raymond i mean rob stared straight into pennys soul.)

"ok you know what? forget it" said rob

"Oh Ok 👌" said pennt

(gumball stared at his NASTY feet in the sewer water then remembered how rob was coated in sludge when they found him)

"hey um..........ralph (wolf)?" gumabll asked

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" said rob

"do you like sludge.?" gumball.

(rob made the most flabbergasted jaw dropping face ever) "UMMM YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH I DO!"

"SLUUUUUUUUUUUDGE!" said gumball

(penny grumbles and listens to them go crazy over THE SLOP_

"can you guys shut the Urr Urr Urr Urr Urr" said penmy

Every time you see me
You earthlings turn and run
I don't know what your problem is
I'm really super fun

I'm a Martian!
Not a great white shark
I'm a Martian
I play frisbee in the park

Come over to my party
It's not that long a trip
You'll be glad you made the journey
For my seven-layered dip

I like sharing cheese pizza
You see, I'm not so bad
Do you like little puppies?
I make them in my lab

I'm a Martian!
I hold for you no ill will
A Martian!
Does someone need a chill pill?

My name's Marvin
I'm a Martian

Let's share a lemon soda
And talk about our feelings
But don't insult my helmet
'Cause then I'll hit the ceiling

I've got a laser!
And it's pointed at your planet
It's my laser!
So don't take me for granted

I'm a Martian!
I'm a Martian!
Shaka-laka......... boom.

this is actually unfinishedi need ideas

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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