What's wrong?

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*Your POV*

You broke the hug from Chica and faintly smiled, looking from Casside and Chica. Casside was scaring you as her right eye went back to normal. You didn't bother asking why it happened, so you ignored it and looked around the Cove. You never really knew what was in there until now. There wasn't much, just some parts that have fallen from Foxy over the years and posters around of pirates and stuff, figures because he's a pirate. (im telling you this now, in other stories the cove has a chest in there.... this ain't no other story...) "So what should we do now?" Chica asked you. You didn't know, you were still really happy that Dakota was okay and still scared because of Casside. Maybe her eye was just a malfunction and it could be fixed. Hopefully it is and it isn't a big danger, because that wouldn't be good for the animatronics or you and Dakota. "(Y/N)?! Helllooooo? Can you hear me?" Chica nudged your arm and you looked at her "S-sorry, just got lost in thought..." "What'cha thinking about?" Casside asked you and you looked at her "Nothing.... It was nothing...." You said, you didn't want to talk to anyone about what happened just yet. You'll wait... "Alright, so what do you wanna do? Eat? Play a game? Anything...?" Chica asked you again. You were a bit hungry, guess you never noticed till she mentioned food. "Can we get some food? Kinda hungry now that you mention it..." You said as you stood up and walked to the curtains and opening them, seeing everyone else sit at the table, talking to Freddy. What happened changed the way you looked at him. You no longer see him as the happy, friendly, only a killer at night bear, but now you see him as the bear that almost killed your best friend. You stepped off the stage and started over to the kitchen to get food, Dakota running up to your side. "Hey... You alright?" She asked you, and you looked back at her and stopped "No, you could've died... " You were truly worried for her and you don't want her to end up like the past night guards... "

(Y/N), I'm fine... It's alright, you don't have to worry about me... But it's really nice to know that you still care about me.." She chuckled and you smiled, bringing her into a hug "You won't die here... I promise you that..." You broke the hug and looked at her, both of you still smiling. "Thanks, now lets get some pizza. I'm starving!" You both laughed and walked to the kitchen. Dakota jumped up onto the counter and you opened up the fridge "So what kind do you want? We got cheese, sausage, pepperoni... Uh, and we got cheeseburger pizza for some reason..." You pulled out the box and looked at it then to her "I'll have that one-" The door opened and you turned around to see who it was. Dakota got off the counter and walked behind you, obviously scared of who stood in the door way...

A Sweet Dream (Book 1 - Foxy x Reader) SuchNormalWhere stories live. Discover now