neymar jr.

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Okay so my friend Ashley gave me this idea 😭😭. There may be 2 parts
Enjoy the chaos babes 🙂
Warning-annoying aunt

"Neymar get up." I said, shaking him awake.

"Let me sleep." He responded pulling the  covers over his head.

"I would but we have a cook out with my family!" I say shaking him even harder.

"You should've let me sleep last night.." he says. Yeah...about that..

"Your fault. Now cmon let's go!" I jumped off the bed and went downstairs to wake up davi.

"Davi, my love..wake up." I say whispering into his ear.

"mãe.." Davi said rubbing his eyes to look at me.

"Yes its mãe, get up we have to get ready to see moms family!"

I go through his drawers and find an outfit for him. I get him dressed up and ready and tell him to go to the living room.

I'm making breakfast as I feel hands wrap around my waist.

"Bom día amor." He says as he kisses my neck.

"Goodmorning to you." I turn around and see neymar still not ready. I gave him a look of frustration.

"Ney! Why aren't you ready?!" I say. He was shirtless and still had his pajama bottoms on.

"Calm down, we still have time relax." He says giving me a hug. I push him away immediately.

"Don't tell me to relax! You guys are meeting my family for the first time and we have to make a good impression." I say getting frustrated at ney.

"If it really means that much to you..I'll be upstairs my love." He kisses me and runs upstairs.

A few hours later we arrive at the house. I'm so nervous..everyone knew my boyfriend was a football player, but they didn't know who.

"Mãe mãe, carry me please!" Davi says stretching his arms out to me. I picked him up and ring the doorbell.

The door opens and I see my favorite cousin!

"Oscar!! How are you!" I say giving him a side hug.

"Omg...what is neymar jr doing here!!" He asked stumbling om his feet.

"Hahaha...he's my boyfriend!" I say.

"Oh..OH." His face looked shocked before he let's us in the house.

"Well that went great." Neymar says smiling with relief, kissing my forhead.

"You haven't met everyone yet!" I say not trying to excite him. My a bit chaotic.

As we go to the backyard for the cookout I see everyone stop and look at ney.

"NEYMAR?!" everyone yells at the same time.

"Guys this is my boyfriend..ney!" I presented them.

"Prolly using him for money!" My aunt says laughing. I lowered my head as I hated my aunt.
  Everyone was silent until my older brother Alex stood up and hugged me then ney.

"You better treat her well, I don't care if you are a famous soccer player, I'll still beat the shit out of you if you hurt her." Alex says. Ney laughs it off and nods, making Alex pat him on the back.

"Okay great talk!"

"Let's party!" Alex says after.

"Hey neymar! Sign my head please!" Said my dad.

"Haha sure." Said ney as my dad gave him a sharpie for him to sign.

"Y/n I approve of this relationship, get married already!" Said my dad. I laughed and hugged ney.

"Hopefully soon" I said as I looked at ney smiling.

"Guys! Let's play football!" My cousin Oscar says.

"Alright!" Ney says running over to Oscar.

"I'm captain and so is Oscar." Says ney pointing at Oscar.

"Can I play?" Says davi tugging on my leg.

"No hunny the adults get rough, go play with your cousins over there!" I point to the kids playing tag.

"Okay mãe mãe!" Davi runs off not paying attention to ney or me.

"Okay neymar goes first!" Says Oscar.

"Hmmm...I choose my father in law!" Neymar says to my clearly drunk dad.

"GeT ReAdY tO KicK sOmE aSs!" My dad says. Embarrassing...

"I'll wife!" Oscar says pulling his wife by him. Everyone whistled at him and hyped him up.

"I'll choose my mother in law as well!" Ney says pointing at my mother

"Trying to win them over I see!" Yells Alex, causing everyone to laugh.

"I'll choose y/n!" Said Oscar.

"Oscar, she belonged in my team!" Ney whined causing the whole family to

"Okay since you stole my girlfriend, I'll choose alex, i cant forget about you!" Ney says.

"Okay you're really trying to win them over ney!" I say

"Nooooo what do you mean mi amor!" He says chuckling.


It was 3 in the morning, davi was sleeping on ney and we were playing a gambling game with my family.

"Ney why don't you add a couple million  in the bet?" Says my younger brother Omar.

Ney laughs and I laugh as well.

Davi wakes up because of all the laughter and looks around for me.

"Pa, I want mãe!" Davi says as he crawls off him and jumps into my arms.

"Ooooo rejection!" Says one of my cousins. I laugh and stick out my tongue at ney.

"Hey y/n , what does mãe mean?" My mom asks, everyone asking the same question.

" it means mom." I say carrying davi.

"How do you feel about being a mom to davi?" My nosy aunt says. I hate her.

"I love davi, I can't imagine my life without him. Why?" I say replying to my aunt.

" just saying..since that child isn't yours." My aunt says laughing.
Everyone went silent and looked from her to me.

"I um. I need to go get davi his blanket." I said walking away from the table.

Ney follows me into the house as I lightly cry in the living room. Luckily davi was deep in sleep.

"Amor?" Ney says as he lays on the couch with me.

"I'm fine." I say crying even more since neymar is here.

"No your not. It's because of what your aunt said right?" Ney asks rubbing my back giving me small kisses on my shoulder.

"I hate my aunt. She makes everything worse. She always judges me or has comments to make about my life. Shes never happy with what I do." I say leaning onto ney.

"She crossed the line including davi. I love him so much, even if I'm not his real mom, I love him as my own. I love our small family." I say hugging davi and neymar.

" I agree with you, I can't imagine my life without you in it. You make a perfect mother and a perfect partner. You don't need her opinion because you are already perfect. " ney says kissing me.

"Do you want to go home?" Ney says. I nod and stand up still carrying davi.

We enter the backyard to say our goodbyes.
I skipped my aunt and left

"What a bitch. As I said probably using him for money." I heard my aunt say from a distance.

Okay so part 2 or nah?
Btw Ashley made the whole plot so yayy

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