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Melania's pov

It had almost been whole 2 weeks with nobody but me and my new older brother melain, the adjustments have been weird since there was no internet to entertain me i had to find something to distract me while melain was gone

So far nothing has been able to amuse the small mind that I have, of course none of the servants would pay attention to a so called demon baby but, that would not effect my stubborn personality that I have developed from learning and watching malains actions. At first I wasn't certain about the way he treated the servants and how he spoke to them, hell, sometimes he wouldn't even talk at all, he would just glare at them or roll his eyes and they'll be balling there eyes out in a split second, it was somewhat impressive in my mind, but then I realized that if he was born a demon he would have a devastating childhood.

It was a heart breaking realization but I decided to make the fun of it and laugh in there faces whenever they were sobbing and point at them, it would piss them off that not even a 1 year old was laughing at their pathetic actions, it was pitiful.

But now I just learned how to turn over with the support of melain, crawling was still out of the picture for me, but could you blame me.

Melain left the empty room and leaving me alone in the crib with a dirty pacifier in my mouth and a wooden broken radle he gave me, one day I swear I will make billions for us and be the richest empire of all history, but for now we would save the evil plotting for later when Im Actually able to explore this hell whole they call a home

I looked around the spacious room for things I would probably be able to sell, but what was I expecting of  these asswholes, I was lucky I didn't get killed. I pounded my tiny fist on the mattress in frustration, looks like I've developed anger issues too, suddenly I heard click in the door 'finnally my brother you came back for me' I turned my small head to see that it wasn't melain but another person he looked to be around the same age as melain and he dressed like a noble, if it was a snot nosed brat that came here just to annoy me I will kill it, I glared at the boy as he came closer surprisingly he started to coo at me, I thought that he thought I was a normal baby at first until melain burst through the door looking enraged, the boy quickly got frightened but not like any of the servants "EDWIN" he screamed storming towards us in a heat, "m-melain, I thought you were studying" the boy called edwin stuttered, "Idiot its the weekend, And didn't I tell you not to go near my baby sister" he emphasized, it was unusual to see malain this angry but not hurting anybody, maybe he knew the boy "come on, how could I not try and see her, I deserve to meet my bestfriends sister at least once" melain  Sighd at the comment and shook his head. He picked me up and faced me towards an eye sparkling edwin, "Awww, she's so pretty, how could you try and keep me away from such a beautiful child, she could probably start modeling at a month old" edwin screeched

My face lit up thinking of all the money we would make just from doing modeling as a baby and working my way up, "melania this is my idiot bestfriend edwin" I was right they were friends, nowonder melain didn't already push him through a portal leading to God knows where.

I giggled working my baby charm, I might as well have him join melain in protecting me. "You know what maybe I could just babysit for you when your at sword practice" wait... that edwin!

Melains right hand man in all his situations and false crimes, he would be a great new addition.

I snapped out of my thoughts when melain told edwin to leave "Come on, let me stay for a little longer" he question, I whined a bit, thinking about not having anymore entertainment from these two "see melania wants me to stay" melain rolled his eyes and agreed to let him stay, but only until I fell asleep, edwin jumped in excitement  happy that he got to spend more time with me, I looked up at melain who had a slight smirk on his face.

"Bubba" I babbled making grabby hands at him, his gaze softened, suddenly we heard a camera click and edwins squeal, melain put me back in my crib I watched as ediwn was chased around room, I giggled every time melain got close enough to hit him

The next morning

I woke up to be stared at by edwin awing and cooing at me, I was startled and started to whine a bit, I heard melain sprint through the halls hearing my cries, he carried me and rocked me until I calmed down, of course it was a fast process but yet again edwin seemed scared "did edwins ugly face scare you" melain teased

Edwin glowed red, obviously annoyed but couldn't do anything about it. (1) because melain would beat his ass (2) melain was holding me.

So if he touched either of us not even a funeral would be held for him, But while melain and edwin were arguing I was staring out the window realizing at someone of time I would have to start getting used to the outside world, and now I couldn't wait 3 or 4 months after, I needed the map drilled into my head now, I tugged on melains shirt quickly catching his attention and pointed towards a tree branch that was right next to the window, edwin stood in thought for a moment before saying "has she ever been outside before" he asked, melain looked at him silently "no, actually she hasn't been anywhere else except for this room..." melain confessed trailing off at the end

Edwin looked at him in shock "how could you forget about such a fragile thing" edwin screeched "No we immiediatly need have to take her first on her picnic" the blond exclaimed getting some stuff ready and dragging them off to the garden "ugh do we really have to do it now" melain said lazily, I stared at him with a goofy hurt look that he took very genuinely "I'm so sorry my baby sister, I didn't take you out sooner" exclaimed the raven head now mopping about how he unintentionally made his new baby sister "sad"

Edwin rolled his eyes and dragged us deeper into the garden I made to memorize every single step we took we stopped when we reached beautiful scenery with Lilly trees all around "see this melania this is our special place where me melain your cousin, come to relax, and be free of all pressure and stress" Edwin exclaimed taking a deep breath, I gazed up at melain with sly smirk on my face as he rested me on the soft grass.

And the rest of the day was peaceful.

Sup peeps I really hope that you enjoyed this chapter, I will be posting fanart of these characters but here are the descriptions for Melain Melania and the newest character Edwin

Melaina: black A2 ear length hair, pale skin, pink lips, pink chubby cheeks, long eyashes and, scarlet red diamond like eyes, I think you guys can imagine it for now

Melain: basically the same as melania  but with a  sharpened eye shape, mid neck length hair and redder lips

Edwin:dirty blond A2 hair short hair, tan skin bright purple eyes, pink lips,

And yes the cousin will be shown in the next chapter and she's also a year older then melain and edwin and her name is Arabella

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