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Melania's pov

And once again I was bored, edwin left after hours of begging, but I heard them talking about how its finals season and stuff and that they would probably have to study a lot

So I'm guessing that he's still coming over but he and melain are gonna be busy studying together

As I was lost in my thoughts i didn't notice melain and a women came in, "melania I have some one for you to meet" melain whispered softly, I opened my sleepy eyes to find a noble women with long red hair and silver eyes, her face details kind of looked like melain's.

She had a soft smile on her face when she looked at me lovingly and turning to melain for permission before holding me in her arms,

I was confused as she chuckled, who was this pretty women is she rich, "melania thats your cousin" I looked at her, her description seemed familiar "her names Arabella" before melain could finish i screeched, they both stared at me sweating "is she ok" Arabella finnally spoke

Melain shook his in confusion still a bit shook

Arabella was the smartest, youngest yet most powerfull mage in this timeline, how could I not be surprised but then my shock turned into pure joy when the realization of how she would cheat in gambling and liked to spoil her cousins rotten with the money but the only reason she hasn't yet is because her bitchy parents only wanted her to cook and clean.

I emiediatly hugged her again working my baby charm, to add her to my protection squad.

It seemed to work because her smile grew wider "well it seems i don't have to explain anything anymore" melain folded his arms clearly jealous of how quickly we got along, we both laughed at his reaction as he turned and walked through the door.

"Now let your cooler cousin teach you some tricks that will get you almost anything" she said with a sly smile, i smiled back at her knowing what she meant.

Melains pov

As I closed the door to the library I thought about escaping this place, but it would probably be worse outside of the palace, but whats the difference you'll be treated like a animal, they wouldn't even acknowledge us as the heir to the thrown, the best thing to do now is just wait.

"MELAIN" edwin screamed, be looked concerned "I've been calling your name for the past 15 minutes is everything ok" he asked, I frowned and looked up at him "just thinking what could possibly be worse than this hell" I replied. "You know you might not rule over, right remember melania has a twin brother that gets treated like he's the only child in this place" he was right, what if that happened i wouldn't be able to protect melania, but the chances of that happening is close to 0 and the rules specifically say that the oldest should be crowned emperor/empress, and the only exception to it is if the oldest is either dead or has committed an unforgivable crime and will be executed on the spot, but they could only try to kill me.

Aelric would most likely grow up to be a brat just like the others but it still worries. Me though "you may be right, but will happen then, if they do try and crown aelric emperor then me and melania would be killed if they haven't thought about that already" I pointed out, "Then it would be a war against siblings, we wouldn't be able to start it now but when melania and aelric gets older then, we'll have enough time to train since your parents would send the whole kingdom against you, and we could probably teach melania some tricks I'm sure Bella would help as well"

This was a well thought out plan but I'm not sure if it would actually happen I wouldn't hurt an innocent man and end up like my parents, and plus he was my brother he wouldn't go that far unless he had an boiling hatred against us "we'll put that thought on hold, its not like we can predict the future and hurt an innocent baby" edwin sighed as he confirmed my thoughts on this "let's just focus on what's in front of us and if something threatening happens then we'll go with the plan" edwin nodded and opened the door to my room and we began to study.

But the whole time, my thoughts were on the prediction, would this land really trust a demon emperor, it was a gamble, if he were to kill his parents he would be forced to be the ruler since aelric would be to young, I would be able to control the elders (the one's who managed the power) into not changing the ruler when melania and aelric would come of age.

This plan has a few problems in it but, it would be best to save the rest when the time actually comes and we need it, but like earlier we need to just focus on passing school to actually be qualified.

Later that night

How could I forget to check Arabella and melania, knowing how reckless she is, she's probably in there teaching melania how to cheat in gambling or something, why did I even agree to let her watch melania.

I ran through the halls pushing every servant and maid that came past me but I didn't care, soon I was able burst through the door to only see melania in her crib play with Arabella, but as soon as she saw me she rushed over "hey melain you know your my favorite cousin right" before she could finished I cut her off by asking another question, "what do you want" "well this guy kept trying to ask me on a date but I rejected him and now he's following me everywhere" I sighed and shook my head, I could have sworn i saw a smirk on her face before pleading, "why can't you use one of your spells" I asked trying to get her off my back "I tried but he used one of his own spells, and all I need you to do is threaten the guy"

With that she held up a puppy dog eyed melania, I blushed a bit turning my head away not wanting to face them anymore, "please even melania wants you to protect your older cousin" I turned back to them hearing the sound of melania whining as her eyes well up and her body scrunched, "fine whats his name" I said finally agreeing to the request "oh there was no guy I just wanted to teach melania a trick" I glared at up Arabella sweat dripping down her face, she held up melania again again and the glaring quickly stopped as it reverted back to a pinkish face, "I hate you" "love you too" she teased giggling as I went back to my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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