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Diet: Carnivore.

Body Type: Theropod.

Base Genome: Allosaurus.

Base Genome: Allosaurus

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Asset Description: It stands just a tad bit bigger than Allosaurus, coming in at 40 feet long and 17

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Asset Description: It stands just a tad bit bigger than Allosaurus, coming in at 40 feet long and 17.6 feet tall. Just behind and above its shoulders are medium sized boney spikes, a product of the Huayangosaurus genes, with small ridges running down its back. Its forearms are powerful and dexterous, able to slash and grip prey. Its teeth are curved with serrations useful for cutting through its prey's skin and flesh. The raptor genes are muted, but are still present through Khenrozatus' ability to strategize and formulate ambush tactics. Like Carcharodontosaurus, Khenrozatus employs the use of air sacs to provide a constant flow of oxygen to the body, invaluable when pursuing fast prey. When taking on prey larger than itself, it uses its clawed hands and sharp, serrated teeth to inflict lacerations and cuts all over the victim's body, and will stalk the target until it collapses from blood loss. The skull of Khenrozatus is similar to Allosaurus, but with more subtle brow ridges. A small flare decorates its snout, and its teeth are lined with deadly serrations on both sides. Its brain casing is rather large for the size of the skull, a trait from its Velociraptor genes. This indicates that a group of this specimen can coordinate a strategy to incapacitate prey much bigger than itself (like say, an Apatosaurus). They usually live in packs of 3 or 4.

Prey Items: Hadrosaurs, smaller sauropods, small herbivores and carcasses.

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