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Asset Height: About 5'8.

Asset Length: 11'6.

Species: Hybrid.

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Asset Description: The beak is slightly shorter than the Phosrusrhacidae beak, with a small crest at the top

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Asset Description: The beak is slightly shorter than the Phosrusrhacidae beak, with a small crest at the top. The line of the beak is similar to the Oviraptor, but is hooked at the end like a bird of prey, the neck being relatively short. Its forearms are like the Australovenator, strong and dexterous but with hands like the Oviraptor(again, strong and dexterous). Its lower legs are basically the same as the Oviraptor and Phosrusrhacidae. It is adorned with feathers all over its body, its tail being like the Oviraptor's. It's forearms are bare like the lower legs. Its legs are powerful, allowing it to run for long distances. The beak is sharp and powerful, allowing it to bite through thick hide and tear flesh. Because of its high intelligence, specimens tend to hunt in groups.

Diet: Small rodents, smaller sized herbivores and baby dinosaurs, but can take down fairly larger herbivores with pack hunting. It also feeds on carcasses.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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