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"Okay, hello everyone! I'm Minera and I'll be training you guys too from now on. I know it may be a bit weird because I'm the same age as you guys, but we'll get used to it together. Any questions before we start?" I smiled at them.
After answering their questions we started with the training. It was going pretty good honestly. But the guy that I saw in the mini mart, he just wouldn't stop staring at me for some reason. Did I do something wrong?

He was doing pretty good in the training too, really good actually.

And honestly he was kind of hot. I bet he had huge abs under his Gi. Minera! What are you even thinking about!? I'm here to train them and help Johnny and Daniel! Not to fall for some guy!

And why would I even fall for him? It's not like I know him. And I'm probably never even going to get to know him, so I need to stop. I always crush on random people and it's getting quite annoying honestly.

And he's not even that hot. Okay, I'll admit, he is but I seriously need to stop! But it's not even my fault, he just won't stop staring at me!
I trained them for two hours and everyone did really good. It seems like they're all really interested and honored to learn traditional Japanese Karate.

I showed them some basic defense tricks and basic kicks. I'm thinking of making it a bit harder for them next time. Maybe some duels using only the things they already learned? But I'll still need to think about that. I'll do that back in my hotel room.
"Okay, that's it for today. I hope you all enjoyed this lesson, because I certainly did!" I said before bowing down to them. They did the same after and people started to leave.

Daniel pulled me aside.
"Hey Minera I just wanted to tell you how thankful I am for you helping us. It really means a lot" he said.
"Oh it's fine, really. I enjoy teaching them, it's really fun. And I feel honored to be able to pass Matate Karate on to others" I said.

Mister Matate was my Sensei, he sadly passed away two years ago. I was devastated.
"My condolences again, I can't even begin to imagine how hard it was for you. When Mister Miyagi died I was a total wreck. But I remembered his words: "No matter how hard it gets, always keep fighting. You wouldn't give up if somebody tried to attack you, would you" and that really helps me."
"Thank you Daniel, really, for everything you've done" I said giving him a thankful look.
"Oh it's nothing, anyways I'll get going now. See you tomorrow, same address, same time" He smiled.
"See you tomorrow Daniel!"

I went to the changing room, which Johnny showed me earlier, to get out of my Gi. Everyone already left.

After getting into my normal clothes I got out of the changing room. I just wore some blue baggy jeans with a black spaghetti crop top and my vans. Not the checkered vans though, I think those look awful on me. Just the normal ones. I also had on my usual earrings, I have a first and a second ear piercing, paired with my usual necklaces and bracelets. I'm totally obsessed with bracelets, I have eight on right now.
I decided to go to the mini mart again, since I wasn't in a rush this time. I wanted to buy something to drink, because I was really thirsty. I didn't need food, since I had that in the hotel.

After I bought myself a Red Bull I sat down on the side walk, since there was no bench.

A few moments later somebody sat down next to me. It was that guy again, the one that was staring at me during the training.

"Figured I'd see you here" He said, sitting down next to me.
"I'm Robby" he added "would you maybe consider giving me your number, for emergency purposes, of course" he winked at me.
"Emergency purposes, come on I've heard more creative things" I said chuckling.
"Like what?" He asked,also chuckling.
"Well, one time a drunk guy stumbled towards me and literally said "are you a parking ticket because you've got fine written all over you" I laughed. He laughed too, he had such a cute smile.

"Well, if I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put you and I together" he winked at me.
"Okay, just give me your phone I'll put my number in" I said laughing.
"Gladly" He said with a smirk. I am now officially regretting my life choices. But still, he gave me his phone and I put my number in.

We talked for another fifteen minuets I think, when I looked at the time and realized it was getting pretty late. I still needed to got to dinner, so I said goodbye to Robby and walked to my hotel again.
Dinner was really good, I mean what do you expect from a five star hotel, but still. I still can't believe that I'm actually staying here, it just feels so surreal.

Once i got to my room, i put on my pyjamas and got in bed, scrolling on my phone. Not long after i got a text from Robby.

"Hey, wanna meet up after training tomorrow? You know, just to hang out, you seem pretty fun"
"Sure, you don't seem too boring yourself. When and where?"
"Just come with me after the training tomorrow, i'll take you somewhere"
"Sounds great, see you tomorrow"
"See you"
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