C. 18

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Briella's POV

I approached Stephanie, and Hunter once I arrive at work the following night. "I hope I'm not interrupting?"

Hunter greeted me with a smile. "What do you need?"

I looked between the husband, and wife duo. "It's about my storyline with, Randy."

Stephanie couldn't help but frown. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. Everythings great." I smiled in response. "It's just, I was wondering if we could just stop it?"

This time it was Hunter's turn to frown. "Why?"

I took a deep breath. Me and Randy did discuss this. We wanted our bosses to know we were seeing each other. Even if it's not official.

"You see, Randy, and I are seeing each other." I told them. "And we would rather it if we could just do what, Mike, and Maryse do instead?"

Stephanie held the biggest smile I've ever seen her with. "Of course! I don't see the harm in that."

Hunter even came over and hugged me. "Welcome to the family."

I couldn't help but smile. My heart slowing down. It was true. Since Randy was a third generation superstar; he grew up here. These people were his family. Especially Stephanie. Now that we were seeing each other. WWE was now truly my family. And I knew it would now be harder for Vince to rid of me.

"Honestly, if it wasn't for you guys, this probably wouldn't have happened." I straight up told them.

Stephanie shook her head. "It was all you. If you hadn't asked me to try, and find a new place for you, we wouldn't be having this conversation."

Hunter only shook his head. "No matter how this all happened, we're glad to have you. As Randy, and John always said... It's hard to find talent who wants to stay within the same company forever. No matter their skills."

I smiled, nodding. "I'm glad you guys took that chance with me."

"Honestly, your one of the best girls we have." Stephanie responded. "So I'm glad you had us try and fight to keep you."

Hunter glanced at me. "I'll see if I can fit you in somewhere. I know Vince said he'd keep you if you didn't wrestle. But honestly, we need you to wrestle."

"Do whatever you want to do. I'm here to stay." I answered.

We all said our quick goodbyes, then I want to the female locker room. Needing to show our new girl around. I wasn't sure who this new girl was. Or what she was capable of. But I knew I was excited to welcome a new talent.

Especially one who is just as eager as I was, when I first started. Those are the ones who put all their blood, and sweat into the company. Who stay loyal to the people they care about.


I have to say, it's nice writing again. I missed it so much. I even messaged my friend to see if she's still writing! And she's correctly working on book 2 of her series. So I told her to hurry up, so I can read it XD.


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