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        The deadline for the missile had moved up. They were getting suspicious that they were building something else. So they had a day.

               They had to move quick and they worked through the night. Tony was now strapped in to this metal suit when some of the Ten Rings members starting knocking on the doors.

          They had rigged it with explosives, though, so when they opened it well...they weren't really around anymore but the explosion now alerted the others as it would've echoed through the cave.

             "Now we need to initialize the power sequence," Tony advised while Yinsen bolted the suit together. "Snow."

             "What do I do?" she asked as she stared at the computer.

           "Function 11," he told her she hit the buttons. "Tell me when you see a progress bar. It should be up right now."

             "I see it!"

           "Press Control I then Enter."

            "I got it," Snow answered. "It's loading."

              She turned to help Yinsen drill more of the bolts. But they started to hear footsteps coming through the cave.

          Yinsen looked at the monitor to see the power sequence was only halfway, "They're coming."

           "Make sure the checkpoints are clear before you both follow me out, okay?" Tony said.

         "We need more time," Yinsen said in realization. "Hey, I'm gonna go buy you some time."

           "Yinsen, no!" she called as Tony shouted as well. "Stick to the plan! Stick to the plan!"

             But Yinsen ran out into the cave tunnels, picking up a gun as he went. He scared the approaching cave members as he ran after them, shooting bullets into the air.

          Tony clenched his jaw; he was just useless, waiting. Snow quickly finished the bolts and then grabbed the helmet to put over his head.

           "Hey, you stay behind me, okay?" Tony said softly; all three of them were supposed to make it out. All three. "You stay behind me?"

            "I'll stay behind you," she reassured softly before she put the helmet over his head gently as the progress bar almost reached its conclusion. They heard footsteps again and she stepped behind Tony in the suit as power surge made the lights go out.

            Men stepped into the room, searching in the darkened room for the two of them. One of them stopped and then looked up seeing the face of the helmet. Tony reacted quickly and whacked the man; with the strength of the suit, the man went flying through the room.

            Bullets were fired into the room but they were hidden to the side of the cave. When the firing stopped, Tony quickly appeared in the doorway and took them all out.

           Then they made their way through the cave. She followed slowly behind as Tony took out all the enemy soldiers. He even punched through a metal door.

           They finally came to the mouth of the cave to find Yinsen bloodied from being shot and laying on a carton. "Yinsen!" she called and ran forward past Tony to the man.

              "Snow!" Tony shouted as he spotted Raza. She looked back to find a missile shooting past her.

         Raza, the leader of the group of captors, fired a missile at Tony but missed as it hit the wall. Tony fired back and it also hit the wall but it caused part of the roof to fall that knocked Raza out.

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