Psycho prank.. only for you💍

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Hee pov
I was really nervous today and it was showing,
I showered with socks on, I brushed my tooth without putting the toothpaste on my toothbrush and when I wanted to cook eggs I broke two of them.

Well I gave up after that, jake and I sat across from eachother after he cooked some actual breakfast.
Even though it's was past noon...

Babe are you okey, you seem stressed
Yes, I'm fine I just have a headache I think I'll head out for some fresh air.
Do you need me to drive you somewhere cause I'm taking the car.
No I have a day off today, I kinda wanted to spend it with you but we have the whole day so, maybe later.

And he gave me a cute smile.
I took the keys walk to Jake stood behind his chair, wrapped one arm around his neck and pecked his hair before I left.


I took my phone and called Jay.

Is everything ready?
Hi, hello, how are you, I'm fine good thanks for asking...
No time to be pick-me Jay is everything ready or not. I'm pulling up in 5 minutes.
Everything is almost set up,
Hoonie is still emptying the bottles and trying to break some even though he throwing them on sand..
Okey~ kinda weird but thanks for helping guys
No worries bro.. I'm so excited to be your *insert fake cough* best man at your wedding
First of all who said I'm picking you, I actually thought of Sunghoon or Jungwon and nothing is confirmed yet I mean I still have to propose and Jake still has to say yes, idiot..
You're the idiot if you think he'll say no, also I'll just pretend that you weren't going to pick hoon or wonnie over me, we both know Jake will pick hoon anyways.. and he will say yes you and I both know that.
Well you never know.. stupid.
I'm pulling up right now where are you guys.
We're on the left side of the beach at the entrance in front of the lighthouse, when you walk up to the beach, there is a playground on the right side and a bar on the left we're there
Aah perfect I exactly parked there oh I can see you guys bye~

Beep beep beeeep


I walked up to them giving a bro-hug to both.
Sunghoon was still trying to smash the bottles and Jay just sat there laughing at his boyfriend. It was quite the scenery.

Okie I give up, Heeseung it's already bad enough you're giving Jake a heart attack with your sick-ass prank. so let's just make it less heart attack so I don't have to smash these bottles, cause it's utterly useless.
K, we'll thank you guys for setting this up remember don't talk, call or text Jake ignore him till I call you or something understood..
Right well I have to pick-up the ring
Wanna grab some coffee while I do that..
You still haven't picked-up the ring!!
Oh my god Heeseung I can't believe you!
Shutup hoon, he has it figured out.
So~ is it your treat or...
It's my treat...
Okey then let's go!!
Weren't you just shouting at me
No must've been my twin.
Honestly jay, how do you deal with him.
Easy like this:

and he pecked sunghoon on his cheek.

Hmm, yes indeed very effective.

Then he punched jay out of no where on his shoulder.

Oww what was that for

He said while grabbing onto his arm.

Just because, i love you idiot.

He slightly hugged the arm he just punched like it would make it better, intertwined their hands and walked off to their car. With me trailing behind them questioning, what in the third-wheel i just witnessed as if I'm never like that with my own boyfriend.


They ordered our coffee in the drive-thru while I went to the jeweler,

Hello how can I help you?
I ordered something I'm here to pick it up
Great, what's the name under your order
Lee jaeyun
Can i please see your identification to confirm this is actually you?

I grabbed my phone and license and searched for the picture of jakes passport that I still had from a old trip.

Uhm to be honest I didn't it had to be a official name but it my last name and his first name...
Good enough for me..

She grabbed a bag and placed the box inside

Have a nice day.
Thank you, you too!

I walked out, I texted Jay that I was coming to Starbucks where they were still waiting in the parking lot.

When I arrived I showed them the ring, they gave me my coffee and we split ways.


*time skip*

It was currently almost five, it was a 20-minute bike-ride and 40-minute walk to this beach so if I were to call Jake now he'd arrive around 5:25pm..

I called Sunoo, cause he too was part of the super, amazing, kind of psycho prank..
He arrived 5 minutes later.


So what did I have to do again hyung.
You have to call Jake with my phone, put on your actual low voice that no one seems to know about. tell him I got kicked out of a bar because I was to drunk and caused problems, and of course you have to give the address..
Don't you have the car..?
Yes, but it's better if he walks or goes with the bike he never uses, 'cause I want to wait till the sun is going to set.
Awwhh hyung that's so cute and pretty you have finally grown up!
You know that I'm older than you...
So. That has nothing to do with growing up, its something personality-wise.
Well.. are you going to do it or not
Fine, fine chill out hyung. I'm calling him now!
Noo! Stop! You have to do it with my phone!
Oh right, well give me your phone then.
Do you really have your boyfriend saved as 'sim jaeyun'...
No, I changed it because you don't need to know my business.
Sure thing bro, I wouldn't have judged you. I would've thought it was cute.
Exactly, that's why I changed it.
We all already know you have a soft spot for him there's no point in hiding it, idiot.
Just call him, will you!
Right, i totally forgot.


A/N~ this was it for the first chapter, i hoped you enjoyed it.
Lol i am writing this like ill get a 100 reads or something.
Anyways let me know if you guys could follow the conversations, cause i get that they're kinda confusing so let me know if i should change it or if it was understandable enough.
Also i hit 1086 words.
Chap 1 and 2 were actually one but i split them as i thought it might be a little to long...
Well, good morning/afternoon/evening to you guys 💕 💕
Bye bye, lovely's 🫶🏼🫶🏼

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