The first few days

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SCREECH it came from behind me, I turned around and there it was the mst putrid creature of all time we call it the wheat roach this is because we don't know it's real name but this is what it looks like. SCREECH it said again as it fell to the floor and standing before me was my dad, he just saved my life I thought "it remembers you" he said "what do you mean" I said

"When it took your mother it remembers you from then" said dad

"Why didn't it take me" I wondered

"It couldn't" said dad again

"Why" I question him

"Because you had no fear of it" he said "it can only sense fear that's why it didn't know you were there but it could still smell you that's how it remembers you, you have no fear for them" he said

Then he walked away.

I started to wonder if that was the same thing that took my mum, my dad has saved my life on many occasions and i don't know how to thank him but he knows i am grateful.

"Paul" dad shouted from the kitchen, i run down and go to the kitchen "yes dad?" I say he tells me that we are going out for another hunt soon, i cant wait, I'm not going to stop killing them until there gone they killed my mum so I'm going to kill each and every one of them and make sure they don't come back, my mum would be looking down on me he says, she would be proud.

She would never want to see me down and upset about it, i fight for her i loved her and they took her away from me in the blink of an eye, i remember it like it was yesterday, i cried for days until i realised crying is not going to bring her back, and just last night it all came rushing back to me it had her as she grabbed my hand and as she took her last breath she said "Paul don't you ever forget i love you" and with that breath she was gone i miss her so much i would do anything to have her here with me right now.

The worst thing is, i don't know where my dad was when it all happened he just came back to her gone, its almost like she vanished in to thin air but, im the only one who actually knew what happened. My dad came back, "where's your mother" he asked puzzled, as he went to the kitchen he saw me in tears.
"Whats wrong Paul?" He questioned
"Sh-she's gone" i replied, i could barley talk my voice was strained from all my crying.
"What do you mean gone!" He shouted
"They took her just like we thought, she just came home and i was waiting for her by the door, she walked in and there it was it just swept her of her feet and took her away." I whimpered

He was crying at this point, he just held me and never let go, my own father broke down, now that made me really mad i hated seeing my family torn, i had to get revenge and thats when my dad said "we have to kill them and fine her, she isn't dead they just have her locked up"
"How do you know she isn't dead?!" I questions
"Trust me i know, you don't need to just come on lets go get the gear we need to kill them" he shouted as he left the kitchen.

We both came back with what we needed spheres, knives and swords, we know guns don't work. two days later we where ready we set out on out journey to England, it didn't take us that long to get there but it was swarming with the wheat roaches no living being left there.

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