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How long has it been since then? I have forgotten almost everything about myself...

I don't know my name... My parents name... Where I was born... Or anything really.

But, that day is one I could never forget. The day where everything about my life change into a very different direction.


Me and my parents, I think? We lived in a village somewhere in the mountains. Everything was peaceful, we plant and harvest fruits and hunt animals for food.

Until one night, where everything changed.

I was out with some of my friends until dusk. We were hunting some animals out in the forest. It was already dark when we arrived at the village. When we arrived, the village was burning. There were screams and shouting all over the place.

I dropped my stuff and seperated from the others and went to my house. There I saw a man stabbing my father with a bloodied knife in hand. With a creepy smile plastered in his face.

My mother was screaming and charge at the man. The man then grabbed my mother and stabbed her in the stomach.

"would you look at that~ you have one. Don't you~?" said the man looking at my mother.

"mother!" I screamed.

Which caught the attention of the man. He looked in my direction and started laughing.

"kukuku kuhahaha HAHAHA!!! WHAT A LUCKY DAY! TWO PEOPLE THAT HAVE FRAGMENTS RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES, AT THE SAME TIME. AHH~ FATE SMILES UPON ME." the man started saying some stuff I couldn't understand with bloodshot eyes.

He threw my mother in the ground. She was still alive albeit barely. He started making exaggerated postures like praying to someone above.

Then, he looked at me again and rushed to my direction. I quickly ran outside the house, and he followed suit.

As I saw the village burn and people I know fight and get killed by more of these bandits. I ran to the forest.

"hey! Hey! Where'd you go. Come out already little brat. I'll make this quick and easy for you." said the man scanning the forest as he goes.

Luckily for me, me and my friends came home from hunting. That's why, I have a small knife in my sheath that was in my back. And, I grabbed the bow and arrow I dropped when I ran to my house.

I quickly climbed Atop a tree that was not easily visible because of the lack of light.

The man followed me in the forest with a torch in hand. Showing me just the exact location where he was.

I was angry at him. How dare he kill my father and stab my mother like that.

I need to finish him quickly and help mother escape.

I placed an arrow in my bow and grabbed it by the string. I aimed for the man's thigh and let the string go.

"Aghhh!!!" the man shouted. The arrow pierced his left thigh and started writhing in pain.

I quickly readied my bow again and aimed for his body this time.

"you!" he saw me before I could fire. He dodge the arrow and went behind a tree.

I had to get down from the tree and change locations otherwise I'm dead.

So, I got down from the tree. And that was a mistake. The man waited for that opportunity and rushed to me.

Even with an arrow to his thigh he grabbed me by the face and banged my head to the ground repeatedly like a mad man.

I was loosing consciousness, then he stop. He was also tired from banging my head. He started breathing haggardly.

Side Story: Fragment HunterWhere stories live. Discover now